11:06 AM | Wednesday, November 25, 2009 | Link
clinging on, to cushion a fall
clinging on, to cushion a fall

Every minutes like an hourMy current music addiction(: It has been on loop on iTunes for around 15 times and counting.
Every hours like a day
Every day lasts forever
Everybody In Love by JLS.
Cleared my table today and I feel clearer. Gonna start on my holiday work but I guess I'll go nowhere, since the com is switched on/:
Yesterday was a great slacking day. Tanned with Qi for lesser than 2 hours and she's burnt. I didn't really feel anything, except my thigh has slight rashes now, but it'll be gone soon. Training was tiring, but not exactly tiring. Heh, don't make sense. At first during those dribbling drills, I felt like dying. Tired like crap. But during the 3-on-3, it was slack. I think the seniors are damn encouraging, especially during the free-throw shooting practice. It's really different, as compared to our training. When we are shooting, everyone just make their shots and there's hardly any noise, maybe those that you get when you're having fun with each other. Qi and I found it real amusing ha.
Took the longer bus route home because I was too lazy to walk from compass home.
Stoned and admired the pretty clouds which were of a shade of purple and orange. Pretty fluffy clouds in the night sky. The quiet night when only the gentle swaying of the trees and rustling of the leaves can be heard make me feel peaceful and at ease. I wish I could have a night walk everyday, but doing it alone is abit pathetic. Sigh, why did I've to leave at such an ulu place like Sengkang):
I pondered and came up with many questions which may be deemed as redundant, but I can't help it if the train of thoughts keeps invading my mind. Often, I claim that self-sufficiency and independence will get me through everything, since that just means that there is no need to take the opinions of others into consideration and you just have to care about your thoughts and emotions. It's different from being self-centered, where everything revolves around oneself because selfishness comes from a huge (really huge) ego that looks down on every other thing.
I don't know, on the bus, I felt empty, like my heart turned really hollow. I guessed a nice sunset would have solved it all, but ohwells, it's difficult/:
Tomorrow gonna be friendlies with New Town and tanning with Chan after that. I'm like some tanning partner can, although I'm black like crap already. Fugly colour, but ohwells, can't help it. Anyways I rather be dark than white(:
Tag Replies:
QI>> o.o SPAM siaz.
Crystal>> heh I know it's lag. gah, quickly come back and play ball(:
Rae>> lol you people love spamming emoticons o.o
It's ironic how we do the things we used to say we abhorred. Expectations and yearnings change, but if beliefs do, what's left of our so-called principles?