9:17 PM | Monday, November 16, 2009 | Link
jump then fall
It has been a long day. Heh, quite a lagged post, but argh, whatever.jump then fall
That was tanjiaqi -.- I'm at her house and her mac is like super hard to type cos the spaces are far apart. But I like how the shortcuts on mac work.
Today's friendlies with Huayi was fine. I think everything worked out better than expected, although we sorta need communication in the team. Training with seniors on thursday, kinda looking forward to training nowadays because it seems more interesting and being with seniors would mean more things to laugh at.
Anyways, the past few days were spent with the juniors after training and it was quite fun laughing over retarded stuffs, although at the end of the day, you'll be wondering what you were actually laughing so hard about.

At ann's house. Slacked around and koped pictures from the dhsbball blog to make jiaolian's card heheh. Hunghui was having fun with my hair and I managed to see how I looked like in different hairstyles besides ponytails (which I can only tie in my entire life). Heh, so it was quite amusing(:
Lunch out at pastamania and had fun around Giant. hahaha, bonding with non-centers(:
Syl >> lol, hahaha i didn't realise the emoticon looked like that too. and just stoning in the pool = tanning abit too. So I guess that explains the sunburns and aches right. heh
Qi >> lol, survival instincts o.o -.- I think those are just pure excuses I think. But ohwells, we are great at arguing till we seem right(:
Rae >> WOW. after thinking that i look like some animal (s), I look like emoticons now O.O I'm amused. really amused. O.O
Chan >> EY the way your are discussing is as if i'm transparent. weirdo siaz!
Opinions matter but when judgemental views shape the way people look at you, you wonder what matters more - your self-worth or your impression on people.