11:05 PM | Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | Link
is a nice song.stolen
by Jay Sean, I like. I know Crystal probably finds it boring lalalala, but people like chan, qi and jacob will appreciate it(: Not sure about Rae, aiyah, that woman is only crazy about jay chou -.-
Anyways, today was quite mixed. I don't know. YOG Presentation was shitty, although I learnt quite alot of stuffs, but I want to have a nicer ambience to have the lecture. Drama performance was great, although it was freezing cold, but I shared my pe shirt with yibei so it felt fine. Heheh, cuddled together and sharing warmth. Sounds wrong :/ Then Chan koped my bball pants. I bet it felt shiok lo, my jersey shorts are comfy.
When I finally stepped out of PAC and embraced the sunlight, the feeling was warm and great. I thought things would be fine but it was destroyed by lunch -.- Someone exposed stuffs to me. EW. Only Rae and Qi understand what I'm talking about I guess, but seriously, the image is still imprinted in my mind. Yellow flowers -.-
I'm no pervert! hahaha, I don't make sense.
Was stoning in the gym but I was glad when qianye came along. Couldn't manage to convince her to get out of the gym. Training seems so fun now, just because I can't join it. The guys had a friendly match which was quite fun too watch, though it was abit rough and crazy at some point of time.
Things would have gone fine if they didn't come gl me man. They gonna have a fun time making fun of me the next few days. CHIEH.
Anyways, note of the day, I gonna be alive and kicking soon(: Felt really exhilarated and happy when I found out that my movement isn't restricted by my ankle injury already.
I'm still unwilling to break the ice. It isn't as if I can't afford to, but I just don't quite feel like it. I know that things would be fine if I reach out, but I still have to pass the stage of my self-pride.
It gonna take long, but whatever, not like I really need it.
Damn. Despite that, I wish things would have been better.
Why is it that communications are easier with people you aren't close to? Is it because the closer ones don't matter anymore, or is it because we just forget about the seemingly common pleasantries?