9:40 PM | Wednesday, December 02, 2009 | Link
Eh today was totally off-plan. DIE.backtrack
Gah, I really hate this life which I'm drifting with no purpose. I rather have plans which will make my entire day busy than laze around, doing nothing, although potato-couching is kinda comfortable at times.
Was clearing my inbox and read khoon's message(: I think it's really cool, and I remember it lifting my spirits when I was going mad mugging and cramming all those info in my brains.
Anyways, it's about this man who paints himself to fit the background and it's kinda cool, although i wonder who is so boliao to do such lame stuffs -.- Have fun finding him(:

Heh I had a hard time finding the last one. Took me around 3 minutes -.-

Still can't find him? He's near the wheels heheh.
We've seen those mountains kneeling, felten and grey
We thought our very hearts would up and melt away
From that snow in the night time
Just going
And going
And the stirring of wind chimes
In the morning
In the morning
Helps me find my way back in
From the place where I have been - Emily (Joanna Newsom)