7:19 PM | Tuesday, December 01, 2009 | Link
curtains closing
Yeps, the year 2009 gonna come to an end soon. (okays not exactly, I still have a month to go, but since life nowadays is just a repetition and a mundane cycle, it makes no difference) curtains closing
Generally, this year has been a good one, except for bad grades and emotional times. I think everyone grew up, I can feel the change constantly around me; family, those people I'm closest to, friends, acquaintances, everybody.
My social circle is sorta settled down, like everyone has their own partners and besties for anything. There wasn't exactly any shrinking I suppose, just that many incidents occurred which made bonds in friendships stronger or some, broken.
Gonna search through my pathetic archives for images of this year(:

And family(:

Hmmms they say people tend to distance from their families as they grow up, due to differing opinions, and I suppose it's somewhat true for me since there were more conflicts this year. All the cold-wars and quarrels - we all went through and things are fine now(: One thing is for sure, we really do have to give and take.
Although it definitely feels better if you voice out your opinions cos you SHUANG (right rachel?), I guess we have to take into consideration people's emotions and point of view. There's a fine line between being straightforward and offensive, though it's hard not to fall into the other negative side. The choice of words used really matters a lot, since many a times, I speak before I even think, and ohwells, everything gets heated up and the stupid ego of mine just doesn't allow myself to apologise and admit that I'm in the wrong.
Ah, my bad.
But, too bad.
Anyways, Resolution for 2010: Being more active in family gatherings and trying to adjust my schedule so that I'll have enough time for everything and nothing is neglected. hopefully.
Time really passes fast. Next year's 2010 and I'd actually be 16. O.O
Last year in Bdiv and last year in junior high...............
Every streetlight reveals the picture in reverse. Still, it's so much clearer.