12:54 AM | Wednesday, December 23, 2009 | Link
It's late at night and I can't sleep
I feel tired but I'm awake. Talk about ironies.It's late at night and I can't sleep
Today's a mixed day. The bad side: I sprained my ankle. My left ankle. 2nd injury. I hope the theory that even number injuries won't hurt, will become true. Self-delusion doesn't work all the time. But thanks to Crystal and Chan for their consolation(: Didn't go to the sinseh cos sinseh = inform dad = ATM machine = nag = sadness + pissed = volcano erupt. Ah, at least when he saw me spraying the alcohol on my ankle, he didn't say anything more than a sentence. HA. goody. Cos I said I just felt slight pain a my ankle.
The good thing is that I learnt how to play the piano (5 fingers) from rachel(: hahaha, i think she probably hates the song now
Laazzzzyyy to blog now. nights(: