6:58 PM | Tuesday, December 01, 2009 | Link
My toe is hurting like @*#(*@&@#* cos I was stupid enough to cut the (blister?)
GAH. Now I'm walking limping and it hurts. Let's hope it'll recover soon and I'm spared the plasters and pieces of cotton wool.

Training was quite fun I think. I like those drills which involve shooting, or at least you won't have lactic acid accumulated in your thighs. The heavy feeling sucks totally. Heh, and there were only 7 peeps today, including us. We thought coach would torture us, but ohwells, he didn't.
Stoned in the gym for an hour or two before going home. Was darn pissed when I couldn't take a nap when I reached home. Tossed and turned but didn't fall asleep.

Nothing to do right now. Ah, life is so mundane.
Trainings are probably the most constructive things ever done this holidays.

Nevermind, shall post about the trip to limchukang farms with Rae and Crystal. All pictures koped from Rae's blog, minus the unglam and obscene candid shots(:

First stop, Goat Farm.
Stupid rachel make the goat milk sound so bad when it actually tasted fine. Wasted my time trying to prepare myself for the awful taste :/ But I admit it's kind of bland and I wouldn't fancy drinking goat milk everyday.

thanks to rae's mum for being the photographer heheh

Second stop, er, Frog Farm is it?
Aiya it's nothing much. Just some dirty sections with loads of small little frogs that wouldn't jump -.- They won't even scramble to food. And then we tried some frog and crocodile meat. I think the crocodile meat is nicer, more crunchy and everything. Just don't think about the fact that you are eating CROCODILE MEAT then i guess it's fine.

Ah, I'm a bit lazy to describe everything already. I guess pictures will say a thousand words, and anyways, everything's on rachel's blog.









Rae: O.O lol.
Qi: aiyo. you ah. just cos you're bored, no need to come kachiao me right. Aiyah, not like there's alot to post.

Ah, there's this baby wailing really loudly downstairs. I can't stand babies crying and crying and crying. I prefer those toddlers who are running around, with a wide grin on their faces. So much more adorable and lovable(:
Hmmms since I'm waiting for my stomach to empty the lunch I had at 4, before I can have my dinner, I shall have another post to sum up my entire year of 2009(: