12:33 AM | Saturday, January 30, 2010 | Link
it's the belief that keeps you going
So many things happened the past few weeks since school started, and I'm watching a drama while typing this and I think multi-tasking's real fun.it's the belief that keeps you going
The first 3 matches were brilliant, with the team being bonded, showing the rest what we could. Each match just got better and our play was really getting together.
My role in the team changed, and it was till I talked to Qi today that I realised the significance in the difference Being a pointguard last time, I was just in charge of passing (properly) and head-starting the game play. But being a shooter now, it feels different. I don't know, never once was i able to cope with stress properly. Argh, I guess I just need to practise and perfect my shots. ARGH.
Yesterday's match was I-don't-know-what-to-say. We weren't diligent as CCH, we didn't seem to want to win as much, we were more lag, we didn't get our rebounds as we should and plus plus plus. Nevermind, it's all over, we can make it(: Anyway I think it's a good wake-up call so we should all just stay strong.
Went for dinner with Syl and Cheryl at Plaza Sing just now. caught up kinda lot, and talked.
People really change and their motives behind their actions are so inconceivable.
Why are people so weird?
Feeling kinda tired now.
and my head still hurts from the bump on Yvonne's head.
And I'm going pok. I want to buy so many things, but I'm pok! :/
And I've a whole lot of work to do which I gonna chiong tomorrow.
And I'm looking forward to Sunday which is family day(: I guess I really like a break.