7:59 PM | Thursday, January 14, 2010 | Link
pricked by thorns you never knew existed
Just about enough
Can’t take anymore of you
Just about enough
You got me over the edge

- Sarina Paris Just About Enough

I thought I would be at home doing some decent work or something constructive, but everything was kinda upsetted when my bro came back.
His shirt was torn apart by his (stupid) friend (who can't do anything but pull the sleeve off people's shirts zzz -.-) and my grandma made a big fuss. Ohwells, I'm not blaming her since she's old and tired and everything, and I definitely understand the exasperated, tired feeling and the PMS mood (although I think it's menopause for her ha). If I were her I would have daoed the entire world with that bushuang face of mine. And sulk really bad.

Talked to him for awhile and he chilled down. Now he's snoring away in his room after a day of bball practice while I'm here sitting in front of the com feeling emotional and thinking alot when it isn't even my problem. What the POK.
But I guess I can see the great difference in his attitude and behaviour. Guys really change damn lot.

It's alarming how people are shaped by their change. In this time and day, it is difficult to stand by your principles and opinions when you upset the norm, instead of blending in with the crowd. I guess the only thing I can feel heartened about is that he still listens although I think we will distance as the years go by. Damn, relationships are so hard to maintain.

When I was talking to him about self-control and understanding, I saw myself in him. I don't know. It is definitely easier to be an onlooker and preach about right and wrong, but when you are in that situation, there are so many things to consider.
How do people remain expressionless when they hear something shocking? How do people hide behind the facade they build so well? How do you act calm and composed when deep inside, you are feeling so emotional that you will let out an outburst of invective, if you are further antagonized?

When you are angry, you think the world is against you.