6:56 PM | Wednesday, February 17, 2010 | Link
Gone in flash, but I recall nothing
Yeah that's how I feel. Chinese New Year's gone in flash in 4 days and this Sunday would be another reunion lunch/gambling session? Not exactly sure, but ohwells, I don't really feel much this CNY.Gone in flash, but I recall nothing
It's really quiet.
The past few days was a great period of rest for me, gambling, drinking, laughing, watching teevee, and add on a list of activities which are meaningless.
I kinda liked the first day because it was visiting the people which I was closer to. Can't stand awkwardness. Hate it actually.
At my Granny's house together with my cousin. They're probably the closest relatives I'll ever get(:
祝你身体健康,天天开心,so my allowance will get higher!

At my aunt's house where we just chatted and chatted. We were much closer back when we were staying at Ang Mo Kio. Although the weekly visits was a thing of the past ever since we moved over to Sengkang, they never forgot our birthdays and continued showering us with gifts. It really warms my heart when people go the extra mile to reach out and I really appreciate that gesture(: Although I really can't do it but I'll try try try and try.
I'll fail most probably. ha.

Louhei (:
Didn't get to do anything cos it was so crammed but ohwells, I get to eat the crackers which I like alot alot.
DAY 2 with the other side of the family

No more pics hahaha. Pathetic. Everyone just sat around and ate. That's all.
Third day was just a day at home after waking up early in the morning to pray. Couldn't believe I had dizzy spells and according to my parents, my whole face turned white. My knee went mad when I couldn't twist it back but after a 2 hour nap it seemed okay.
scared me out of my life.
End the post with 3 pics I koped from my sis's phone. Really love them

Being in the foreground doesn't mean you get the clearest picture.