12:49 AM | Saturday, February 13, 2010 | Link
we pulled through
Wanted to sleep earlier cos I would be meeting Qi they'all for a movie tomorrow. But listened to a kinda sad (emo?) song and decided I needed reflections. Hahaha. If it's postponed anymore, the mood will be gone.

Yesterday's match was long and slow. At first, it seemed fast, but at the end, time seemed to crawl slowly.
It was really a close shave. My heart rushed like mad at the last 30 secs when I did a miss pass. I nearly broke down and cry out of relief when the ball didn't go in. It was such a close shave and that stupid mistake out of nervousness would have cost the entire team the chance. The well-deserving chance that didn't come by easy after those torturous trainings and hard work and effort put in by laoshi and coach.
I only smiled (really happy smile without any hint of worry or sadness) when I reached home, 3 hours later. hahah, stupid idiot.

We still made it through(:
There are so many things I need to improve on, and 2 weeks is a long time for me to readjust.

Staying at status-quo just because you don't know how to or can't make it further isn't an excuse.

CNY's a time to take a breather, cool down, and reflect on the past and look at the future's path. Yes, we need chances and luck here and there (like the two rounds of lots we got so far), but we lay out the path and decide the outcome.

Whether we take the longer or shorter way, it's still the result that counts.
No one will look at how hard we trained and see how much we play outside training practices because we simply love the sport, because it's the 40-minutes of gameplay that is the deciding outcome and it says it all.