1:01 AM | Saturday, February 13, 2010 | Link
when you walked into my life and left footprints behind
HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY PEOPLE!when you walked into my life and left footprints behind
People'll usually go happy friendship/valentine's day, but who cares, nobody celebrates valentine's day if you are living my life.
Like what my title suggests, many people came into my life these few years and it's really lucky that I didn't have any disagreements with them that were major enough to cost us the friendship. Argh, my vision's blurred after all these thinking. Tomorrow I'll look horrible. Bloated goldfish eyes. PRFT.
Anyways, was really happy to receive nice little gifts this year, although I didn't prepare anything.
Yah, I'm mean and heartless, no heart no heart no heart.
more like I've no MONEY.
Thanks to:
Qihui for the super cute teddy bear and the nice handwritten notes. All the best girl, don't think too much about things because I realised that regret makes you stronger and failures help you burn brain cells ha. I know you'll read this right, since you said you read my blog. Was quite surprised at that(:
Hunghui for the notes and notebook. Nice mortal teehee.
Ann for deliciously crunchy hand-made cookies. Even the burnt ones are nice. I like ey!
Crystal for the
Xintian for the lollipoooop, although it wasn't yours hahaha.
Chan for the handwritten letter. Started my day with a smile
Jacob for the FOOD hahah. Haven't tasted it yet. Should be quite nice right? Recover from your flu soon okay! Lousy immune system.
Mdm Sau for the cute choco-bees. And for letting me hand in my chinese compre on monday.
Chingyun for the letter. Bio lab partner, overcome your fear and take hot water lah!
ANGEL FROM LAMOUR for the pencil with a tiger on it lol. But I'm too lazy to sharpen it leh. Can die.
(Shit I should be sleeping.
This post probably gonna take half an hour long.
Rae, Qi and Crystal, your letters are here(: Since I'm so emotional now, these are the best heartfelt feelings you'll get. During the CNY period of snacking and pigging
At least that's what I think.
Aiyah, talk about you for so many times already and that part dedicated to you during my 2009 reflections was so much longer than the team's that SOME PEOPLE complained. Teehee, I think their part was a one-liner thing.
But I still gonna type it out so when I read this back some other time in the future I will SMMMILLLEEE.
You're someone who gives a dao impression at the start because of your (black) face (figuratively). Kinda unapproachable at the start, but after you smileee you know things gonna change! I think the same thing applies to times when you are pissed or annoyed.
You get really angry at things that people least expect you to care. Always concerned about small details, you are sentimental and appreciative. Ohwells, I guess we have to learn that sometimes, people wouldn't be able to guess our thoughts all the time since they aren't a worm in our body.
Andand, you don't know how glad I feel that I'm able to spill out everything to you, knowing that you wouldn't be rolling your eyes on the other end, thinking like: what the fuck is she messaging me for. what's her problem. like that also can.
And once again, spilling out everything really calms me down.
Told you before right, you changed (FOR THE BETTER) over the years and I think people close to you can sense it. Although you can make me go crazy over your randomness and huachi-ness (don't know if it's on purpose or it's for real, but I guess it's the former), you know you can do without them already right? (:
We share similar thoughts (WHICH IS VERY UNEXPECTED) and we seem to always read each other's minds (STALKER). If only I would stop slapping my face unconsciously and if only you could stop kicking me legs. There are blue-blacks all over okay! Heng I'm dark enough. (are you thinking of this too hahah)
But you know what, WE SHOULDN'T and definitely shall not laugh together.
Hmmm, I shall say I learnt a lot from you. Your will to fight and not succumb to pressure, but pressing on even further because of your want to prove it to the rest, is really cool. And the way you manage your time is really awesome, although I hope you slack like at times, so I wouldn't feel so sad and demoralised for being such a bummer.
Thanks alot for the comfort at the staircase that time. will never forget that(: You are the only person in school who actually seen and heard me cry (or shall we say WAIL LIKE A BABY). It must have been scary teehee. I hope it NEVER EVER HAPPENS AGAIN my goodness.
We shall stay strong okay. Since I always believed that we will still do well without anyone's help.
HAHAHA my center whom I can always see SOMEHOW on court. :) You improved like MAD these 2 years and it was actually your jump shots and sleek moves that pushed me to want to improve on something too. Was walking aimlessly, not knowing what I should aim for in basketball, till I saw you concentrate so hard on improving your vertical leap and being a dependable center.
That's when I decided to be a shooter(:
Teehee. Didn't know you played such an important role right?
Stay STRONG (literally) and bang down the opponents okay! When you get mad and furious it's really scary. And don't cry so much lah, you cried really alot this year. Your eyes are already so BIG (I think they're huger than mine) and your eyelashes are so LONGGGGGGGGG that you look so poor thing when you cry. I know I'm talking shit since everyone's supposed to look pitiful when they cry, but whatever, yours look more poor thing.
And say hi to me lah! everytime you just go "HIIIIII MUMMMYYYYY"
Chicken. -.-
Walking/shopping/muggin with you today was really fun. I think we jolly well know how to navigate through Bugis after today right? (:
Don't be too sad about the bball thing. All the best in looking for a direction for your future. I think it's really true lo, I don't have any other good thing I'm at or at least more confident of, besides studies and basketball. What a loser.
We must meet up more often. I think it's really fun. :) Don't be too stressed up!
Okay I'm tired. Shall continue another day.