9:35 PM | Thursday, March 11, 2010 | Link

I'm wondering how it feels like to sit on that lonely bench.

And yeps, if you can sense it, my mood has hit rock bottom. This isn't what upsets me; it's the fact that I was feeling super bloody damn happy just now.
Today was the 2 hour day and school started with mock 2.4. Felt kinda good to not stop at all and for once I didn't have those disgusting cramps or stitches. So yay.
LA test was.... okay? Just wondering why that little boy sleepwalks and has a drunk dad. Okay stupid question. Some things are without reason, aren't they?

There are many kinds of people I abhor in this world, and that includes drunks, smokers, and abusers. And most of them are males. Not being a sexist, but still, it's true. Women are gentle creatures (:
like real.

After the test, I rushed to the bball court cos I wanted to play ball, but it turned out that the juniors needed to practise some formation and there was a lack of space so we were like some abandoned kids stoning in the gym.

So we played paper poker cards. Pathetic but we had a really good laugh when creating those cards. Then balled for very long. I was telling Rae that we'll leave when coach chases us out but it turned out that he let us play in the gym manz. I guess he hasn't seen us having so much fun for a very long time. And really, ever since tourns started and expectations were building up, our attitude has changed. Always worried if we make a miss pass, if the layup will be in, if the shot will airball, if our defence has loopholes what will happen, we haven't really enjoyed anything much.

So as a result, we played for a little wayyyyy too long and rachel was late for churchy I think. OOPSIES. okayokay, it's my fault it's my fault. She was repeating that for more than 10 times throughout the entire train journey to Tampines from Aljunied and on the 158 bus ride from school to Aljunied.
Painful experience.
Who asked her to be an E person. And seriously that's a really lame excuse manzzz.

Went to drink Green apple Red tea and it was really nice and I loved it to bits and I suddenly felt blissful. Okay maybe that's not the suitable word, but I felt really happy. Siao one. So I wasn't annoyed at all when I had to squeeze with people on the bus. Normally, I like to squeeze with the crowds in markets and shopping malls but when I'm feeling sticky after a ball game, no way.

Borrowed two nice books from the library and was feeling happy lalalala. Felt very bloated and disgustingly full after dinner and when I switched on the com, my mood fluctuated like mad. Felt very @*(R()#*$@#$
Needed to do something on the computer but I was at a loss. Didn't now what to do and I'm actually still in my PE shirt now stinking the hell out of the room. Okay kidding, not smelly at all but abit sticky.
You can't bathe immediately after you eat if not you'll get fatter quicker.

Roar. Neverminds I shall go take a long hot bath, blow my hair dry and sleep earlier and wake up earlier tomorrow.
wake up early for what, i don't know.

My calves are aching.
That means my calves will ENLARGE and BULGE.
Disgusting vocabulary used to describe your legs but when it's the truth you can't help it argh.

And one stupid mosquito just bit my foot. Don't mosquitoes know how to choose? Hello, I haven't bathed ley. And my blood is definitely not sweet.
which reminds me, who wanna go donate blood with me when I hit my 16th birthday? :)