1:57 PM | Sunday, March 14, 2010 | Link

The slight glimmer of sunshine in the midst of all confusion.

It gonna rain soon, and I like the smell of the wind and rain now (:
Especially when I feel really confused and panicked about everything. Loss of time and priorities. and Most importantly, focus.

Argh henna is so annoying when it's messy but the result in the end is nice, since it colours my white hair. Though I hafta bear with the smell of horse hay, which I think is weird but Chan says it's okay.

Mahjong was relax time for myself yesterday. Wanted to do something constructive and decided to sit down to play for an hour or so only, but ended up playing for 3 hours -.-
No I'm not addicted! oh gosh.
Hope not.

Got to go do my UN Conference opening speech now. Went to Compass to buy the long-sleeved white shirt and tried on the blazer and everything. With the stockings and heels and BLAH, I conclude bball shoes and big jerseys still fit me better (:

I guess one of the many reasons why I don't want to grow up is because I have to start dressing and be (naturally) more demure and ladylike, for whatever reasons, be it social or just it being part-and-parcel of working dress code...
No matter how much you claim that you have strong principles and are headstrong enough to disallow the surroundings to influence your opinions, decisions and mannerism, you have to admit that suiting the environment gonna make things easier for you.

I just hope that I'll only experience subtle changes, and hopefully not turn into some bimbotic woman with a high-pitched voice and an ultrafake accent. Plaster that image together with long fake eye-lashes and heavy make-up... OH, KILL ME PLEASE.

ARGH, the henna just dripped on my phone when I was receiving a phone call. SHITTY thing.

Clutching on to whatever that's left. Was there any to begin with?