10:58 PM | Monday, March 15, 2010 | Link
staying afloat

so dazzling yet unreachable

A sudden rush of fatigue overwhelmed me. Just came back from Mock UN and the discussion online was funny at first, then I felt really tired of the research and everything. At least I will feel more prepared about the secondary issue.
Will post pics and more details about everything after the 3rd day(:

My dad asked me to come home earlier tomorrow to celebrate my birthday. Although I'm that kind who doesn't really give much of a heck about birthdays, be it mine or others, there was this sweet tingling feeling.
Thanks DAD (:

我爱你 hehehe.
For many reasons, like fetching me all the way to SCGS this morning, and for giving me so much freedom. Don't worry, I won't stray. teeheh.