12:37 AM | Friday, March 19, 2010 | Link
Sweet Sixteenth
This year's birthday was really memorable cos it was spent at MUN, so no celebrations for me.Sweet Sixteenth
Don't know whether it's something worth rejoicing cos I'm the kind who doesn''t see the need for birthday celebrations because they are so redundant. Birthday presents are just so dreaded at times cos there is an obligation to buy gifts too. I know such thinking is really warped, but I hate shopping for presents.
Anyways, thanks to all who wished me happy birthday (: Was really surprised when my wall was spammed with birthday wishes, especially from those whom I hardly talk to. Those smses were really sweeettt too.
And the presents were really unexpected.
Juniors who got me the size 6 ball: REALLYY it was so surprising and I wanted it since long time ago (:
Qi: the pencil case is really pretty, the more I look at it hahah. I just hope that the pen ink doesn't leak if not I'll be heartbroken ):
Kim Siang: thanks for the earpiece which I know is like bloody ex, cos it's the same one as what I'm using now hahah
Jacob: that super long sms made me smile and we hafta mug soon. MUGMUGMUG
Chan: that blog post was super sweet, although I don't fancy that sleeping picture of me roar. But I think the descriptions were really apt and it's amazing how much we influence each other. Eating is an enjoyable thing so don't feel that bad when you're eating okay, although I admit the fats is really frustrating.

Birthday wish for the year was really simple: being happy and myself.
Of course, I did wish for alot of people too, but they can't be said, if not they wouldn't come true right?
Anyway, I think making those wishes come true is much more realistic
Lunch at Swensens today before training. Good food still makes me feel great. Thanks mummy(:
Embark and don't ever alight because the other path would not be easier either