1:11 PM | Tuesday, March 30, 2010 | Link
when the will keeps the strength going
when the will keeps the strength going

Awesome pictures koped from Weiwen after last Tuesday's trainings. Really pretty pictures. I wonder how people manage to get such nice pretty shots.
Look at the pretty skies, ah!
I haven't watched a nice sunset yet. Someone, go watch with me!
Today's match was WONDERFUL(: Lost to SCGS, but we didn't have any regrets. I guess this is how it feels like to give it your all.
My knee was screwed. Seriously I don't know how this can happen. How can you injure yourself?!! Now there's this suan feeling that kinda suck. But alright, I shall borrow someone's kneeguard and hopefully things will be fine.
Qi and Ann had a slight teeny conflict. I thought alot somehow, although it was totally none of my business. Busybody.
I think in times when you aren't in the best of moods, you won't be able to stand in the perspectives of others. And since I'm just a bystander, I shouldn't have the right to say anything, but I'm still free to say and think whatever I want.
I just think it's a question on priorities and perspectives. maybe when everyone cools down, they will recall and mock at how ridiculously minor this entire thing was.
Whatever it was, qi, I wouldn't have done whatever you did yeah. Maybe cos I'm more subtle than you, and of course, I don't really care about my shoes, so I don't know how it feels like. But I do realise that it's things that we treasure which makes us feel emotional.
But jeopardizing the friendship doesn't do us any good right? Especially since it's our last year playing together. I don't even know if we would be able to form a team next year, and our future seems bleak. There are so many things we have to improve on, butt we are robbed of the opportunities. I know they say that chances are for one to build, but face it, we can't be lucky that often.
Oh and whatever you wanna say right, please don't spam them on my tagboard thankyouuuu. Anyway if you need someone to talk all your nonsense, you still can spam me those messages, just that I'll be speaking reason as usual again. ha you know me, I'm just that rational.
It was Family Day together last Sunday(:
How ironic, when our whole family split up and cycled.

I thought the 2 hours would be a bore, but it turned out to be quite fun. I don't know what I was dreaming or thinking about. Anyway there was this marathon and there were a lot of people with good bodies. AHA (:
6 or 8 packs i think. And alot of people had this golden tan.
Hmmm do i sound jealous? i hope not :/
Rectify, easier said than done