8:19 PM | Wednesday, April 21, 2010 | Link
Today's Rehearsal was a waste of time. -.- How come I don't feel anything when I knew I was going to receive the award? No sense of accomplishment but just a feeling of indifference. perspectives
Circle Line is really really really fast. fast fast fast. Now there's a lesser reason for me to be late, haha.
And damn those math assignments. Roar. Hate it hate it hate it.
Good lucks for math test tomorrow people!
First time I'm feeling so apprehensive and insecure, because I did all the preparations I possibly could, but I feel so empty, as if I did nothing at all.
you're just really great at making a big fuss out of nothing yeah?
Maybe it was complacency on my part when I assumed that you knew how and what I felt.
I admit I'm unreasonable at times, and I don't exactly think before I speak, but I'm still a growing kid and I've every right to spit everything that's on my mind out.
I don't succumb to expectations, neither will I turn ever turn submissive without any justifications. Seriously please, from day one I was born into this world, you should have already known that I was some troublesome pest. Yeah I'm one selfish bitch and probably everything negative in this world, but did you even know that those stuffs were part of a change of lifestyle? Reducing my bloody consumption because I had plans for other stuffs.
I can never keep my mouth shut, can I?