11:14 PM | Sunday, April 25, 2010 | Link
a stumbling block to what seemed eternal
It is 15 mins before midnight. o.o Today seems short because it was productive and I feel that weekends are no longer a drag anymore.a stumbling block to what seemed eternal
ACE Group work at Jiamei's house. Woke up at 7 and took the circle line to Yishun, only to realise that Jamie would be one hour late. So we had KFC's porridge for breakfast. It's really yummy, except you should take note not to spam pepper cos it'll totally destroy the taste.
Completed the ACE Poster already and there was a great sense of accomplishment. Spent alot of time rotting and sidetracking, but it was fun in general (: Jiamei's parents are really nice and fed us loads of food hahaha.

Apparently I decided to sleep for half an hour and kinda jolted out of my sleep when Xintian and Jiamei woke me up. I think I look really horrible and unglam when I'm asleep. I can feel it. Oh wells, when you're really asleep, you don't really care how you look like. You just want a good sleep and that's all you care about. If looks mattered so much, you might as well wear a nice masquerade mask when sleeping on the airplane.

They tried putting this pic as a wallpaper but apparently it looked pervertic. I guess I still can sleep anywhere and everywhere. I remember dozing off in less than a minute when I hit the sofa.
Then collated the history things so I felt great when I left at around 4:30. Grace didn't come again due to some unforeseen circumstances. At first, I was kinda annoyed because of the lack of contribution but I had a different thought at the end of the day. If she was present, things would have been kinda awkward from time to time because of the lack of conversation topics. Then everything that was conversed would be superficial.
Cleared some air with my mum. Actually we didn't. We just began talking again. I think we're just waiting for the other side to open up. And I need to learn how to resolve conflicts. Or at least stop a misunderstanding from turning into something grave.
At least things are better now since I don't have to dread going home these days and wage a cold war at home. I know an apology would rectify everything, but what for, if deep down inside, you don't feel sincerely sorry?
I rather someone blatantly tells me that they are still feeling annoyed with me but the status quo isn't exactly what they are hoping for, instead of apologizing, despite the fact that that's the last thing they wanna do. Can't people be more frank and true to themselves? If they really are, this world would be void of backstabbers and betrayals.
Yoga was great. I feel more relaxed and my mind seemed to be calmer.
Everything is a matter of perspective. I don't regret having such thoughts since it can't be helped if I thought like that. Did contemplate about posting it but since this is my personal space and outlet to let out my frustrations, I didn't see why I had to consider so much. It's really redundant to password protect all the supposedly personal posts, or bury them deep in my heart. I feel better letting things out, and at least I wouldn't deny anything if anyone were to approach me and beginning questioning everything. Don't see the need to conceal so much. Being frank and addressing whatever you're facing may not provide desirable results, but it's much better than escaping.
It's true everything would have probably diminished to nothing if I allowed time to allow the emotions to fade away, so it would have been absolutely unnecessary to speak so much shit. Actually this is absolutely true. But why torture myself into believing that I'm feeling alright at that point of time, when after typing everything out, I feel more at ease?
A mountain out of a molehill?
Maybe perhaps it was a mistake altogether.
But what's done cannot be undone and they say that as impressions and emotions turn vague, your heart begins to harden and close up.