10:48 PM | Thursday, April 15, 2010 | Link
touch and drop
touch and drop

This pic is really encouraging. I don't know, I can sense the satisfaction and pride upon the taste of final success. Victory is really sweeettt. But it's definitely because the process was arduous and painstaking, that's why it's so rare and appreciated. If success came and went easily, it'll probably be treated the same way as frivolous friendships whereby people just walk in and out of your lives - they didn't exactly enter our hearts and neither did we contribute much love, time and friendship, so their departure would not be a loss or anything to be saddened about.
What shall I say? Today was satisfying. It felt as if for once, a long Thursday has ended on a good note.
And I'm feeling really lethargic now, but I'm happy.
Napfa early in the morning, and I already had a brief warm-up when I was almost late for flag-raising. Sweated like mad, ARGH, hate the sticky feeling.
2.4 was okay. I mean, I hit the timing which I wanted, although I knew I could do much better since there wasn't any lactic acid build-up, but it all has to do with my mentality, so nothing can really be helped.
Then the Physics Balloon- Car thing thing. Okay lah, at least the car moved to a distance which got us an A (: Although the initial speed of our car really made me laugh out loud.
And I learnt one thing today, I seriously can't be messengers. My message passing is really -.-
And the best thing today, was probably the touch rugby clinic after school (:
At first when we were doing the passing drills, I was thinking "Oh no, BORING. Isn't this like bball training, except it's so much worse??"
And I don't think I told anyone this, but I hate RUGBY BALLS. As in the ball, cos it's so uncontrollable and unpredictable. I abhor being dictated and controlled, let alone by A NON-LIVING THING. The idea is really ridiculous. I think the shape of the ball is cute though (: At least it's less conventional and boring (like ROUND)

Pretty? hehe
then when everyone started playing and having fun, I thought it felt really great to laugh about a sport once again. Since when have we laughed heartily because of bball?
Interclass's coming so maybe we'll have some stuffs to laugh about netball, but I aint keeping my hopes high or expecting much. It's just cos every interclass reminds me of something negative. Year one was horrible cos I felt so helpless when I played with a sprained knee during the semi-finals and finals. Year two interclass made me feel inferior cos I couldn't play volleyball. Last year's interclass made me know that I actually cared about how people view my basketball skills and I had most confidence in this sport. After the entire thing, I was disappointed at my lack of self-control over my emotions and how quickly I gave up. This year? Ha, I don't know. The choice of teammates was already an issue. But nevermind, I'm always the bad woman who is bloody effing vocal and who can't keep her mouth shut. And because she's so desperate to win, she ignores the feelings of others and just does everything to her whims and fancy. I can't exactly say that such an impression wouldn't be felt, but still, I made an effort to ensure my tone and everything was correct. Ah nevermind, I just hope everything cools down.
And then there's this stupid referee-ing thing. I was telling Qi, I can totally predict the souring of relationships with the juniors after their interclass. Bias is a matter of perspective. See the kajun thing, now almost every girl in our level have a horrible impression of him zzz. I don't know, he wasn't obliged to ref so I've nothing to say.
It's really ridiculously immature.
I don't like explaining myself to anybody, unless it's really necessary or I feel obliged to. I do whatever I want because simply, I like it, or I think it's right. What other reasons would I do things for? For others to judge the person I am? And I don't exactly mind that because almost every stranger in school has a warped impression of me anyway.
I remember wanting to type something more but I just forgot, cos I spent about 30 seconds spacing out, listening to songs by Orianthi.
Anyway, currently...
I'm reading a nice book about a person hooked on to a brain-stimulating drug. Apparently the description is Viagra for the brain haha.
How different will things turn out, when one day you wake up and find yourself a total different person? The change may not be negative, but embracing and absolute acceptance of that change will be difficult.
And I'm going to donate blood with my dad this saturday! Yay haha. The blood bank messaged him that they are in urgent need for blood. Kinda looking forward to saturday. Weird I know. I think it's also cos I'll be getting the stuffs I wanted to get for a really long time.
For once, the belief that after every tunnel appears a beam of light does not seem naively optimistic.