12:17 AM | Saturday, April 03, 2010 | Link
Ultimate Break
Just came back from Rae's Churchy Chalet cum BBQ.
Learnt alot of stuffs and the video was really nice (: I love watching vids.

It felt really serene at night when there you feel the strong breeze and hear the strong wave currents. I think that feeling was all that I needed to feel better and more at ease. Thanks rachel! (: hehe.

Lunch was wonderful cos the nasi lemak was yummy. Felt happy at the thought of food once again (See, Chansou!) And I didn't camwhore definitely. Stupid rachel made it look as if I did roar. A camera in Rae's hands = unglam photos spammage. And since she was the photographer most of the times, she has got very little photos :/

We went to a nice hut and crystal and I attempted to look like a couple from the back. Big fail I tell you. In the end, when I wanted her hand to point somewhere like we were appreciating the scenery, it looked like the hitler salute -.-
Then we started playing with shadows and it was ultimate gayness.

But it was ultimate fun (:

Night pictures were horrible because of my lousy phone. Tweaked the brightness of the images and the quality still sucks, but I shall post them anyway. Don't wanna waste my efforts.

Basically it's rachel's stupid SMART idea. I found the light bulb of a lamp which looked like a smiley face and crystal was amused that the "smiley face" moved cos she shook it -.- Rae wanted to pretend that she was afraid that the coconuts would fall from the coconut tree when I don't think there was any coconuts to begin with!
Anyway when we begin to zihigh you know how retarded we can be.

really tired now after updating my music library and blending those images. Shall go and 睡觉.
just wished I had a life-size bear to hug. AHHHH.

We can't go on
pretending day by day
that someone somehow would soon make a change