7:32 PM | Sunday, May 16, 2010 | Link
Haven't updated in ages, and I shall drop a post before leaving for OBS. AHHHH. And I need to update more often if not I'll eventually forget what I experienced and felt.Anticipation
Anyway, these few weeks were great because tests are finally oveerrrr and I stayed back more often these few weeks.
got 2nd and i realised it's the same as last year haha. I think nobody treated the finals seriously cos we kinda gave up. My calves started cranking up and it's really scary when you run and feel that something is contracting. I didn't know that the feeling of getting cramps were that scary.
It always happen every year. Last year, this year, probably every year. Over-competitiveness brings out the horrid nature in everybody. Or maybe it's just me. I guess I take interclass really seriously, to the extent that my attitude is more serious than that for studies.
If only I can split them up.
Then I ended up being black-face (not like I'm not black enough), and start spewing vulgarities on court. Tsktsk. To think that I actually told myself that I will reduce my use of vulgarities.
Nevermind, I'm trying I'm trying aha..
Just remembered this and I wanna make an imprint here again. Referee-ing for interhouse made me understand how difficult it is to satisfy both sides when it comes to umpire-ing competitive games. Not to mention that I'm younger and they'll probably be thinking like "who the eff is this girl. If you don't know the game, please screw off like a few kilometres away and don't hold the damn whistle"
Ha, couldn't help thinking like that when they were kinda unhappy with the decisions made. Ugh.
Just bathed and I feel refreshed. Took a few picx to capture how I look like now, before OBS. I can totally predict my face being screwed up when I come back. Not the black part, but the part where my face turns into ridges and hills. :(

whoo I look whiter here. aha.
But I still prefer myself being tanned. I'm anti-white.

Bet chansou is laughing at this pic now.
Anyway I realised putting your hair up like that is nice cos it helps your hair dry up quicker. Without the use of a hair-dryer of course.

My mentee at the Lavender CIP service centre.
Being a teacher is easier said than done. really. I wonder if smiling and explaining and reiterating your point, while feeling slightly annoyed, is being patronising and two-faced. It's really tiring I guess. And not to mention it being difficult.
Meetup with Clique!
Anyway it was an awesome dinner because we managed to catch up so much. Love khoon, Jas, meng and Zhan to bits. It was great laughing like mad, and I knew a lot of people were probably staring at us in KFC since we were making a great nuisance of ourselves, but who really cares right. I was really glad that there weren't exactly any barriers and we were having tremendous fun like before.
If only my neck didn't screw up :( hehe
CS night
CS Night was great. The dances and drama were really good. i guess the only thing that I didn't like about the performance was the opera. I can't appreciate it.
Met Jamie, Shujun and Sweeyee for dinner at Paya Lebar. The laksa there is really yummmyyyy

It was around 11.15 when I reached Compass. I actually hoped that Mr Bean was open so I could grab an ice-cream and feel less lethargic but obviously it was closed. So I popped up at 7-Eleven to grab some crackers and felt happier when I walked home.
It was really dark and quiet but it felt serene, although I would have preferred a breeze over still trees.
AND I CAME TO A CONCLUSION. whenever I feel sad, I just need the crackers from 7-eleven and an ice cream from Mr Bean (:
Finally I found a solution to lift my moods and spirits up.
So if anyone pisses me off and wants my forgiveness, you can try the method stated above. Or if you feel like being nice and treat me to them, you can you know! then I'll like you better. Isn't it just great?
hehe, hinthint.
Was late to meet jacob and Shermin for dinner so I ended up with a yummy bun which had chilli oozing out when you bite it.
Reached the PAC a little late so had to take the seats on the 2nd floor. The annoying peeps in front of me blocked my view.DAMNIT. But I still enjoyed the night anyway. It was really good and entertaining (:

I think Timbaland's album is nice. This is lag I know. But I think he should start singing songs himself instead of having almost every song sung with another artist, and most of the time the vocals aren't at least 50% his. zz.
Okay I gonna go do my SGC and send it tonight since it's the deadline already. Then gonna go watch some magic show on Channel U and have a good sleep.
Though I believe that OBS is dirty and tiring, I'm anticipating it because this is the first time where my limits are tested, and I'll find out if I'm the mentally and physically strong girl I thought I was, or it was just a facade to hide behind, so that people will naturally repel me. I don't know.