9:59 PM | Wednesday, May 05, 2010 | Link
Exceeding expectations
Yay so we got into the 2nd round for netball. Feels great when you make it but it feels horrible when everyone's so tired and you aren't exactly panting. Sweating doesn't count though :/Exceeding expectations
I don't know, I think I hardly ran? oops.
Ref-ed Year 3 interclass horribly. I think. Didn't exactly blow much. I think I make a bad ref cos I'll turn lazy at times. Balled with crystal after everyone left and it's really weird when there's ABSOLUTELY NO ONE IN SCHOOL. You know, even on quiet days there'll be some PRCs around.
I'm feeling lethargic now. I wanted to do something constructive at first but I realised I cannot make it. Was feeling grouchy during Chinese cos I was so tired and nothing seemed to be entering my tiny, shrinking brains. I need a good sleep.
Mood fluctuations are really scary cos they turn you into monsters.
At least that's the impression I give people.
can't really help it when I don't feel like smiling much nowadays.
And the bloody heat is unbearable.
Just ranting.