12:36 AM | Sunday, June 27, 2010 | Link
Forging bonds
This week was really satisfying and fulfilling. Had many family outings, and holidays no longer seem so mundane and meaningless.

MONDAY: Hortpark, Riding Center
With my bro and mum

Went to mummy's office early in the morning and had a wonderful breakfast, of egg-sandwiches and handmade milk-tea.http://help.blogger.com/bin/answer.py?answer=42197







The pantry was fascinating due to the warnings pasted on the walls. If you can actually read them. I was laughing to myself when I snapped the picture of it.


Began snapping pix of her table and saw many amusing photos. I can really see the change in all of us, and sometimes when you look back, it's amazing how much and how fast we grew. I still remember lamenting in p6 that secondary school life would be torturous because of the freaking heavy workload, but look where I am now.
Still struggling to keep afloat, but at least I aint drowing in the water (:



You see this pic and look for a girl with a mushroom-head. That used to be me. hehe, I think my mum only knew how to cut that hairstyle, so I had to live with it for more than 8 years of my life.


This pic is hilarious. I laughed till I nearly had a stomachache. Mushroom Head. AHAha. Fungi

Hit the gym next. It was really huge (compared to our school's pathetic one which actually lacks a threadmill -.-) Haven't really worked out in ages. Trainings shall be the substitute. Sweating after yoga today felt great and healthy again.

FIRSTLY, THE THREADMILL! and this cycling thing which I like alot

But nothing beats the one that trains the abdominals. I feel most disciplined doing that. For other exercises, I'll give up halfway. However, current state of mind = eat pig slack
Just snacked on potato chips while watching Mr Bean Holiday

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

[IDK why the pix turned so small. O.O]
Did this for show only. Gave up after a while. I don't wanna mountains for arms. But get lost, underarm flabs!
I think after all this lamenting and complaining, I'll still go back to my habit of snacking and eating as if I haven't ate for a million years.

Next was the treetop walk. Went with rae they'all before, so it wasn't really fascinating or whatsoever. It was just a great work-out in the morning, and I could feel myself panting and sweating at first.


Then we reached hortpark. It was pretty there, and it was so humid that I wished I could jump in the bond for a swim.

Next stop was the Riding Center that was going to be showcased during YOG. They were training the riders and horses, so we were supposed to make as much noise as possible to alarm the horses. Thunderous clapping and stamping of feet.......



Expert trainers wore some attire which made them looked real smart. Their horses had some eye-catchy stickers around their legs. They were really old horses which retired from racing, and were used to train new riders.

I liked the only WHITE HORSE, and there was only one female rider. female power!

They were amateurs so one guy was flung off the horse. I think the horse was agitated.

then it was LUNCH! Burger and fries.
My appetite was really screwed this week. Didn't feel like eating at all. I think I skipped 3 lunches and dinners in a row on Saturday.

The last performance was performed by this guy from sec school (which had horse-riding as a CCA, how cool is that!) and he managed to get his horse skip over obstacles. Seems easy, but it must be really difficult to control the horse I believe

THURSDAY: Universal Studios

My mum managed to get the tickets and it was full house that day. Tons of people. I was carrying a really positive attitude that it would be really fun, since it's singapore's one-of-a-kind. But after the entire trip, I think a single experience is more than enough. Most of the (EXCITING) rides were under renovation, and I think even if they were opened, things aren't exciting enough to cause me to visit the place again.

It's the first time I see people sitting around (THERE WAS ACTUALLY A COUPLE OF PEOPLE SLEEPING) in a theme park. At around 3 pm, people looked fatigued and bored. Hardly any signs of excitement. And the queues were really long. Not to forget the humidity and stickiness you feel from the hot sun.

I make things sound really horrible, but there are actually some fun stuffs, and it's a great way to relax and bond together as a family (: So the pix gonna have nice captions and enjoyable experiences and emotions. They aren't patronising but heartfelt.

Queuing to enter the place. the queues were really really really long...

ENTRANCE. My face almost cramped from smiling for so long. Turned out that my dad was waiting for the circular thing to rotate, so that the words UNIVERSAL would appear in the picture. -.-

My cousin who's really close to our family.
Taken when we were waiting for the rest to come out of the toilet. how weird is it that the first thing we did when we entered Universal Studios was to go pee?


Oh, I forgot to mention that the attempt to create a magical fairytale land, and construct a fictitious impression, detached from reality, failed. It didn't feel surreal, at all.

First roller coaster ride
Was more of entertaining than exciting. The signboard totally gave us the wrong impression.
"This ride is full of sudden stops, increase in speed, turning, tossing over..."
Okay I totally forgot what was return on it, everything above was created by me. The only exact words were "This ride is..."


Matching bracelets (:


Second ride: some water ride
We wore ponchos to prevent ourselves from being soaked wet. Since they gave us a warning that we might get wet, even to the extent of DRIPPING WET, we anticipated a thrilling ride.
Only the last 2 minutes were worth savouring. At the start, it felt as if we were on some boat. Sailing slowly, lalala-ing... how romantic.

We went in 2 batches. Me, my sis and my mum tried it first, so we left our belongings with my dad, bro and cousin. So meanwhile, while waiting for them, we went to shop at the souvenir store, looking for a pair of slippers cos my bro's sandals came apart.
This always happens man. His shoes will SPOIL. Without fail. Previously was during the Malaysia trip.



Given the slackers and lazy bums we were, we decided to find a spot to sit. It was shady and comfortable, so yay


THIRD RIDE: Mummy ride
This was the most scary and entertaining roller coaster ride because it was all in the dark. And the car didn't move in just one simple direction. It could turn and go backwards. Enough adrenaline for the kids but insufficient for me. We ended up playing this for 7 times that day, 5 times when the place was about to close for the day.

Egyptian theme place


IT- themed place
Walked around this area, cos there was nothing much to ride. Except some circular cups which would go round and round. Took that and felt slightly giddy at first. Closed my eyes and everything felt normal already





Special Effects Movie
We were supposedly standing on a ship, and with the powers of special effects, we were able to experience how it felt like to witness a scale 5 hurricane. The storms and lightnings, enormous might which caused ships to capsize and glasses to be broken were really realistic. All of a sudden the ground will suddenly vibrate. Madness I tell you.

Outside the studio, waiting

Walking around, lalala-ing....
This sign was amusing. At that point of time.

Judicial Court?


Shrek 4D Film
Entertaining. The donkey in the Shrek Film would sneeze, and water would be splashed in our faces. It felt as if spiders were really crawling under our feet when something just wheezed past it. Then the chairs would move and vibrate whenever the horse began to ride.
I love the SNEEZES. hehe


Stuntmen Show
Performed by caucasians. I was commenting to my dad that it would be very weird if asians were performming it. Imaging them trying to get the audience to turn high and loosen up.... it's going to be really weird.

Anyway I didn't know that Singaporeans were that sporting to react to them, and begin screaming and waving their arms. The show was about this couple who knew how to reach land, and they refused to tell the (pirate?) [weird storyline]. Then there was "gunfire" and stunts where the guys would jump from an alarming height and yet not drown.
Speedboats were also involved, and the front row of audience would get wet.
I was FAR FAR AWAY, like the last row?



Canopy Ride
Waited for this ride for 45 minutes. Your legs would be dangling in the air..... Just treat it as a car ride alright. I've learnt that the higher your hopes, the more you'll be disappointed. :/



Snapped them when we were supposedly queuing. THE QUEUE WAS SUPER LONG !!!! hate waiting.

Walked around again, and snapped shots. Thanks Dad, for being the photographer and capturing such wonderful memories (:




We were back to the Egyptian place. Basically at this point of time (2pm), we ran out of things to do, so we decided to walk around the place once again. this proves how small the entire theme park is, and how little things you can actually do.

Guy with bulky body. And they look good in eye-liner o.o

DINNER! at Louis's Signature Pizza



Dressing Up
This was the next fun thing besides the mummy roller coaster ride. The hats were seriously too big for my head. hehe.


Freaking long hat which kept covering my eyes :/



Car exhibitions
What if, you had tons and tons of cars in a car gallery for you to pick and choose?


Back to the IT Place
This time there were 2 women walking on high stilts. Personally, I think the lady in pink was more friendly and livelier.

totally failed to copy her -.-

Another souvenir shop where we bought a shirt for my bro.


Shots before we leave that place to eat out at Vivocity's Koptiam

SATURDAY: Durian Trip in Malaysia

Most of the time was spent on travelling. Sat on the bus till my bum hurt. The ride was so bumpy that it felt like a roller coaster ride.

The durians weren't exactly fantastically delicious. It's just that you eat as much as you want, but there's a limit you can actually eat, isn't it? And you'll be busy fanning off the flies hovering around you and THE DURIAN, that you'll get really irritated.

The solution? Stand in front of the fan.
But another problem will arise. Your hair will FLYYY, making you look like some looney. And you might actually end up eating your own hair, which will be doubly disgusting, because you don't want your hair to smell of sweat and durian!
So left hand clutching my hair, right hair grabbing the durian. Wash the hands, and MINT SWEETS to the rescue!

Dinnered in some restaurant. Insignificant. I just know that some of them were complaining that the "abalone soup" was just gravy and tasteless.

Went into this shop which were meant for kawaii-people (not me, in short). A super big soft-toy caught my eye. Hugged it and caused it to drop but it was too heavy for me and my bro to put it back up. Had to trouble the employees over there to help us put it back.
After that trip, I'm like ultra sure I wanna a life-size bear. Except I'd have no place to put it at home. Cuddleee.
Then I wouldn't need to be so desperate to hug my pillow everytime.

Woah. Finally finished posting.
Anyway it's just picture-spammage. I tried typing more, but I realise it's kinda hard.

School gonna reopen tomorrow. Actually it's TODAY, at this point of time. Not exactly looking forward to it, because i have yet to complete my history homework. But it's good to see people again I suppose. Just hate it when people start screaming and yelling before rushing to hug each other. No I'm not jealous, but I just feel o.o
It's just 1 month?

I feel like I didn't accomplish much these holidays. Have been slacking too much and priorities were really screwed. Gah. This always happen.

Counting stars....
renewed sense of purpose?