10:24 PM | Sunday, July 18, 2010 | Link
closer, but nowhere near
This blog was on hibernation for god knows how long aha. I'm supposed to do my History source-based essay, but I just don't feel like it. Let this be the one and only time. Hopefully o.ocloser, but nowhere near
I wanted to update recently, but nowadays I'm busy mugging in the canteen, and by the time my dad fetches me home, it's already 8 plus 9.... then you bathe, eat, and get ready for sleep. eh heh.
The 3 month attachment with Lavender Service Centre ended. At first, I contemplated about continuing my attachment, so that I could help the girl and many other kids who need help in their studies, but I realised it was time and energy-consuming. The latter is influencing most of my decisions, because although time is never enough, you can somehow manage to squeeze some out to do things that you want. It all depends on your willpower and priorities.

I guess I really ran out of patience. Sometimes I think my smiles are so freaking patronising.
I really can't tend to kids huh.

RI Socratic Seminar

It was just this discussion with many people from other schools. I think it was less formal than those forums and conferences, but nevertheless, I gained much insight. Hmmms. Differing opinions and point of views, acceptance of comments and rebuttals.... the things I brought back with me are countless.
But I think the most important thing is to get your point across effectively by just making your point succinct and precise. And tone is really important too. there was this guy who kinda offended people when he was adamant about the fact that his definition of being oneself is right. He kept questioning others and gave really extreme examples which proved that his sayings were right. But extremism never applied to the majority, do they?
Stoned in Bishan after that before mugging with xy. Walked and walked around, and it felt really good to be outdoors and around the environment. I mean, there are so many times we get so preoccupied with everything at hand that we forget the original purpose of fulling the targets we set for ourselves. It sounds kinda dumb actually, to complete tasks without understanding why you are doing it.
Makes me feel like we are just puppets putting up a dumb show.

with teammies + Chan (if she becomes a bballer SOON, I DON'T NEED TO PUT PLUS ALREADY you woman!).
It was not bad lah I guess. Although I think there was hardly much plot and the storyline wasn't very concrete. But I aint a fan of it, so I didn't read the series (except the first book which I forgot almost 80% of it already), so i don't really know the difference between the book and the movie.

Next week gonna be a busy day. OH manz. Chemistry and History test (both of which I have yet to revise), and I signed up for 2 forums which will take up an entire week of schoodays. Agh.
Feeling really sleepy now.
Racial Harmony Day Celebration tomorrow. Sometimes I really wonder what's the use of celebrating it, when the only reason people rejoice is because they get to miss school. Actually I'm one of those people. Although missing lessons is never a good thing, the way teachers carry out lessons have drained all the joy and interest in studying. The purpose of studying is warped