10:34 PM | Tuesday, July 20, 2010 | Link
Feeling insecure about many things....Insecurity
- chem test tmr
- history source based
- wrist which hurts like a bitch when it's twisted
- chionging LA creative product
- clashing of GYF and AYC
The feeling of having completed reading what's necessary, but the empty feeling that the mind's probably going to go blank tomorrow, is drowning me. Damn. I shall go read and read and spam read again.
The third point is what made my mood fluctuate like the stock market today. :( When I massaged the wrist, I felt apprehensive and disappointed. Hate it. To think I still went to play ball after school today. It didn't hurt when I shot though. Although it's kinda aching now.
Being preoccupied makes me feel that life isn't a mundane and never-ending cycle, but being suffocated is a totally different thing. zzz.
forgot to post pix from the visit to khoon's house. It was really long ago, when meng jas and I went to spring a surprise visit at her house. Chatted for a while and pity we couldn't meet up another time for dinner ):

Ezanne's really cuteee.

Take care kay! So you can continue playing the sport we all love (:
It just takes a heartbeat to realise you care