12:18 AM | Saturday, August 21, 2010 | Link
beliefs or priorities?
beliefs or priorities?

Had this overwhelming urge to blog.
I feel really dispirited and totally enervated now. Every ounce of energy left is drained out and it irks me when I feel I actually did nothing at all.
Slacked a hell lot today after school. was "mugging" but it was kinda unproductive. Since when were fridays not slacking days? Went to school to play ball and sparred with the juniors. Sucked like shit -.- Annoys me totally when the shots made during practice are totally not reflected in the game.
Anyway this isn't the time to improve cos after the long EOYS gap my stamina (which I already lack) and my strength, skills and bla will be all gone. Not worth it. And from tomorrow onwards I gonna hardcore. Shall understand how it feels like to be a fulltime mugger. And at this point of time, I'm already feeling disgusted at myself for typing those.
Blasting I just Need You now and it's on constant replay. Ahh. Despite how much I really wanna turn in, I've to hand up my eportfolio. screw it.
We live to survive
Then whey do we still push ourselves so hard when status quo might not exactly be a bad thing?