7:31 PM | Monday, August 09, 2010 | Link
Happens all the time
Just came back from WWW. Went there with my family today, and I got really burnt. When a tanned person gets BURNT, you really wonder what the colour is hahah.
Happens all the time
Now back to my update! and after that, I think I'll begin to be on hiatus, because my schedule would be as boring as anyone else's, and I've to refrain from using the computer. (It's seriously distracting!)
Asean Youth Convention
I feel that GYF was more substantial than this, but nevertheless, knowing more people still made up 90% of the fun. There are still many things to laugh about somehow!
Day 1: Cedar Girls
Boring lecture in the morning which i slept through. Can't stand it.
Ended up chatting with the Malaysians in front of us.
Orientation was so much better when everyone got to know each other better with the water games and blah. Got my ass really WHITE when they played this jumpjumpjump-on-chairs-and-play-scissors-paper-stone, cos they put flour on the chairs
Day 2
Basically it was just lectures and lectures. Frankly speaking, I think they were repeating the same point over and over again, just that with some creativity, things were presented in a different way.
But it was still fun though (:
KOI (:
Went to catch the NDP Preview with gifford, shaun and friends (forgot their names already heh)
The fireworks were really pretty. Felt myself back to earth after all of it. Somehow.
Day 3: SMU
It felt kind of boring already, but i guess the company makes everything feel a little different. Sigh.
Day 4: Cedar Girls
Lectures, lectures and more lectures.
Everyone sorta got to know each other more by then. Feeling damn sianz to type already. I think I shall just photo-spam.
Since we had plenty of time to spare, we ended up taking pix to see who eyes were the biggest -.-
Cam-whoring is tiring.
I think my face could have cramped
Wore the kebaya I borrowed from Siti (: It was really huge and I didn't know it would actually feel so hot wearing the seemingly thin material.
Poster done by S1 and S2, which I had absolutely no part to play because I was busy slacking away, talking to arun ha. No artistic talent; never had, will never have.
LAST DAY: Victoria School
Can't stand myself in heels, literally and figuratively..
The day started with country presentations.
And ended off with facilitation session in the auditorium. I was glad they ended it this way, instead of ending the entire convention with lunch (which was buffet this time aha)
These few days were fulfilling because with every new friend made, different perspectives and expectations of life begin to come my way.
for me it happens all the time
it's a quarter after one..