12:05 AM | Saturday, August 28, 2010 | Link
it's a quarter
I don't know what the hell I'm doing now, awake at such a time when I can just go sleep. Spent the last 2 hours (staring into space, lost in thoughts...?) Decided to be lame and went through my friends list on facebook and started deleting people whom my friends have no connection with. AND I REALISED I don't know at least 1/3 of the people on my friends list, and that's really wth pathetic, considering the small teenyweeny number of friends.

Don't know why, but these days, I tend to think alot. Stuffs like social circles (told qi today heh), profiles and basically everything important in life. Idk, I like last year cos I felt I knew so much more nicer people (I mean after digging a whole in the first 2 years of my sec school life and buying my head in it like an ostrich), that was kinda a greater change for me. Began bothering about people outside my social circle instead of thinking they are non-existent. Sometimes I minor things so much that I wonder if there are actually anything/anybody in life that I truly care about. I do, I think, if not I would be emotionless now.

This year wasn't exactly horrid, but it was eventful, so it was kinda a rollercoaster ride, though things are back to status quo already (: Friendship problems, problems which friends were facing, the constant questioning about whether I should continue bball because of my stupid injuries and regret for being so reckless in the past, things I heard about myself from people around me which were really surprising and many other changes which are too many to name. In short, my impression on others and my impression of others changed. Whether they were warped, i don't know.

Played ball today (:(:
Now I"m aching and feeling sore, and it feels good. At least I feel healthy, although I wonder why my weight is like rocketing sky-high!
Photo-taking today was.... boring? I aint the photophoto kind most of the time, so today wasn't one of those days when I would gladly smile for a photo. But I hope the bball pix still turned out fine though.

I gonna sound incoherent at this rate so I shall turn in soonnn. And I gonna start banning myself from the computer, since I can't ban myself from bball.
It really sucks that I wanna play but I can't play much, then I suck and feel like crap. And since I"m like some slowpoke, I end up fouling people which I always do all the time. My brain will begin to malfunction and my defence starts having loopholes. Calves will feel like cramping (so they'll probably bulge even more damnit), and I'll airball -.- bloody hell.
Rae said her only flaw is her stamina and I say that I don't know what's my freaking flaw because I've so many that I don't know where to start focusing on how to improve. Can someone just make me a checklist so I can start ticking them and at least have a focus. Though I don't think I'll be able to tick them at all. Damn. I'm feeling really negative now. This is what happens when you decide to blog at night. Now there's this big bump on my head which hurts like a bitch and it's making things worse.

Dmovement open classes were fun. mm dancing's really exhausting. Considering? Maybe. Maybe not.

And I just remembered that hunghui and weiwen said I scratched Qihui and it was a really deep cut. OHNO. Feel really apologetic although I think the only time when I went near her was to trap her and snatch the ball cos I had this sudden urge LOL. I purposely went to cut my nails yesterday cos I was playing ball today. apparently it didn't make a difference.
Is my elbow really that hard?

There's this newspaper article about this woman from England who made the headlines by the most unimaginable way. According to footage taken from the CCTV, she stroke a cat, and 5 mins later, she threw it in the bin. The owner of the cctv heard the cat meowing in the bin and rescued it. Pissed off, she uploaded the video on youtube, sparking global outrage, so the woman is currently facing some charges now. Serves her right.

I mean, I'm not some animal lover (who goes, omg that dog is so cute!) and cats have scary piercing eyes, but I find that freaking act inhumane. That cat was so defenceless and didn't even do anything to her =.= If it was never discovered, imagine it going through incineration. To think she even said that they were making a big hooha out of nothing, though she was quick enough to take back her words now.

Inhumanity has a limit.
no wait, humanity IS boundless, but inhumanity shouldn't be tolerated.

I don't think I make sense. I'm like talking to myself.
I suppose it'll be another long time before I blog another long one like this because I have to start shifting my time and focus to mugging. Twitting is easier though, cos it's all one-liners which describes the emotions which are too short for a blog post.