10:16 PM | Saturday, August 07, 2010 | Link
Reality Check
I'm back!
After few weeks of being MIA.

The past few weeks have been really busy but fulfilling. When all the hype was gone, the empty feeling began to sink in and it felt really awful when I had to acknowledge the fact that it was just a temporary reality escape for me.
But aha, I think my goal in life gonna be to make the normal lifestyle of others, interesting for myself (:

Global Youth Forum

The first conference that I attended. Mm, review time!
The Positive:
- knew a little more about econs, especially how currencies worked (a little)
- understood the vicious cycle of being poor and the incapability to pull yourself out from that dire situation. (it really pays off to be RICH)
- made a great load of friends (didn't really keep in touch with the people from Mock UN because people were more preoccupied with debating and submitting the resolution. This time it was different because everyone was separated into their groups and through discussions, we got to iknow about each other's perspectives)

The Negative:
- the food wasn't up to standard. They were yummy alright, but since you (my school in this case) paid around 150 bucks, the food shouldn't be nasi lemak, or worse still, MACS take-away right!
- some lectures were repetitive and kinda boring
- it was too short :( I think that Asean Youth Convention was too long though. Content-wise, I think GYF deserved the 6 days that AYC was given.

I can't help but feel that AYC was given priority over GYF, based on the turn-out of foreign delegates and blah. Somehow, just a gut feeling.

DAY 1 (sounds like I'm on a tour)

Some icebreaker games. Had a hard time remembering a name of an indian guy in my group. I feel really awkward when people began introducing themselves. Cos this is when everyone feels so distant from each other, and they have no idea who you are, so you don't really know what impression they have of you.

There was this 1-hour long video which caused me to doze off, despite the cup of macs coffee I gulped down in the morning.

DAY 2 and 3: SMU





By Day 3, everyone was feeling more comfortable with each other, and so all the gl-ing and teasing began (: I really like the feeling of laughing at unexpected things that come out from people.

Day 4:
Discussions, debates and blah. Presented once, and I think I didn't make sense at all, but everyone was really encouraging (:



Facils plus some group peeps went for dinner at Bugis. Stoned around at iluma.
The night sky was really pretty that night. The breeze made everything perfect (:



Siti and Gifford
Facils who were hell nice! Thanks loads to Siti for lending me her costume. And gifford for being explaining alot of things.

Blazers again and this time it was farewell. Couldn't believe that 5 days passed in a flash and we had to return to our schools and lead the life we had before coming for GYF. There wouldn't be any other time when our paths would cross again....







Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor
Reachin' for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore
And I wonder if I ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time

Lady Antebellum - Need You Now

Current song on replay. Really addictive.

Gonna turn in, although I still have hella of things to blog about. Have to wake up really early tomorrow to go to school and ref the captain ball games. Fingers crossed that I wouldn't be late :/