2:09 PM | Sunday, August 29, 2010 | Link
you hear it tick

I think I'm self-deluded. I've the calendar in front of me telling me how much time I've left, I've the people in class constantly reminding me of how much I need to catch up, I've my inner voice repeatedly urging me to work hard because I don't want to experience the same feeling of disappointment, yet I still do stupid things.
I've the compelling urge to go online and sidetrack for at least 30 minutes everytime I use the computer. And the time will unconsciously lengthen till I feel fatigued and decide to go take a nap.

Ah, like what Qi tweeted, I'm already missing Fridays. Damn. Why is it always that we begin to notice the presence only during its absence?
When we were preparing for B-divs at the beginning of this year, I slacked so freaking much for physical training and missed so many friendlies. Was able to play ball but was always late for trainings (i think I really can't do anything about this)
AND NOW I'm supposed to freaking mug and here I am lamenting about something that I can't change. When I receive my results slip, I'll probably hope that I spent more time mugging.

This gonna be the way I shall psycho myself.
Sometimes I hate the way my mind keeps going in circles.