6:54 PM | Sunday, September 12, 2010 | Link
Don't begin to trust just because you need something to fall back on
Slackslackk With Qi and Crystal
Rachel was supposed to come along, but she had some curfew ): And nopes, we didn't go anywhere near the stretch of bars where the occurrence of fights was really high and someone actually died there before!
Although it was just 4 hours, it was hella fun. Having fun isn't all about what you do, but it's who you do it with. Even a simple walk would suffice.

@Clarke Quay, while waiting for Crystal. There was this chinese performance which I totally had no interest in. Stoned and walked around in Central. Frankly speaking, I have no impression of what we talked about / did. aha

Got a new wallet and bag. mad happy cos I always wanted a wallet but couldn't find a suitable one. You know it's all hot-pink and clutches these days..... & to think that the moment we enter the billabong shop we went to look at the bikinis ahaha. The nice one I saw last time wasn't there already. And anyway the prices are really steep. Sometimes I wonder, why do we have to pay more for lesser cloth? Doesn't make any sense right.

Dinner @ Ion. Qi had some delicious ramen while crystal and I had toast (: And I've learnt that I could crack an egg properly. Didn't really attempt cracking an egg ever since I failed quite some time ago, with all the eggs spluttered on my hands and egg shells appearing in the mixture.

Zilianing is tiring, I swear.
And i can't zilian really well anyway. The frame wouldn't capture all 3 of us if I were the one doing it ahha. even my bro zilians better than me -.- and that really says alot.

MRT (:
That was the end of 4 hours. Wished we could spend more time. Sigh.

This holidays were the most meaningful and productive holidays I spent so far. I still remember spending last year's September holidays watching a drama and the previous was spent writing just 3 poems for my portfolio. To think I managed to stay on schedule (most of it), I'm happy (:
Just hope that the momentum is maintained for the next 2x days. Then this horror will be OVVVERRR. Then I'll look less tired in school and smile more often.

It was easier to put on a facade last time. Didn't know patronising smiles were that difficult to plaster on the face. How do people say and act in a way that is totally different from what they think?

Don't begin to trust just because you need something to fall back on. That makes your belief worthless and at some point of time, ludicrous. I delude myself sometimes, thinking it'll make me feel better, but when reality really slaps across my face, I'm left to wonder if I should continue clinging on to those beliefs. Even if i do, I can't help feeling silly and dumb.

Heard my siblings quarrelling today again. Over some stupid thing which I can't remember, or probably don't bother remembering because it's so minor. When out to ameliorate the situation cos they were affecting my mugging and talked some sense in them. This isn't the first time and sometimes I wonder why I'm so thick-skinned to believe that I'm that influential to induce a change in their attitudes and mindsets. Over-confidence on my part or self-deception, I don't really know. Maybe it's just hope. Clutching on to that pathetic thought.

I think I should consider being a preacher. Maybe that's why I'm better at giving team talk these days aha. but frankly speaking, as the years go by, I find team talks just a routine which actually defeats its purpose. Because we are trying to grab more people in next year to form a team, discipline and respect bla don't matter anymore. Anyway I think passion is more important. With passion probably comes talent, or say, improvements. Or maybe not. I've seriously no idea.

Maybe I should stop generalizing things.