8:30 AM | Monday, September 06, 2010 | Link
happy feet
happy feet

search results are amusing. Typed 'sleep' and got these feet.
Probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed cos I'm feeling kinda uncomfortable right now. My natural alarm clock has been tuned to 8-9 these days, so the time I turn in doesn't matter. Whether it's a good thing or not, you decide.
My bro and sis woke up really early to go downstairs to jog. Their enthusiasm made me wonder when the last time I went to run was. Perspiration and panting! I was never an avid enthusiast of running; preferred to swim because I could avoid the hot and sticky feeling. And on a sidenote, swimming pools allowed you to look out for good bodies heh. I mean females actually, because males are either too scrawny or
Imagine having this diet:
Breakfast: Stuff
[12 plus] some biscuits while watching teevee
[2 pm ] lunch
[3 ] fruits! (My mum and I are arguing about this: She insists that consuming fruits after meals defeats its purpose because the nutrients will not be absorbed. Don't get the point. I mean, whether you eat them before or after, the nutrients will still be absorbed into the bloodstream right? Bio tells me so, I THINK, unless I've been doing my revision wrongly all the while...]
[4]SNACKS again cos I decided to watch some teevee
[7] dinner!
after dinner would be fruits and 2 rounds of snacking, at 8 and 10 respectively. Accompanying that would be a cup of warm milo!
My weight has been escalating since OBS (YAH OF ALL THINGS!) And it doesn't seem to fluctuate like what I thought it would have. Damn. Shant continue this topic lest I sound like a freak obsessed with her weight. I love food too much to turn anorexic or bulimic. the only advantage of having some dietary problems is YOU SAVE MONEY. And it's really alot, for someone like me who doesn't go shopping, but spends her time cooped up at home doing i-don't-know-what.
And archives that date back to 2007, what the freak?
Slow music makes me sleepy.
And it's weird listening to Apologize now. Wonder if anyone shares the same sentiments. There's this weird feeling when you listen to this song which was veryveryvery popular before. Somehow.