11:12 PM | Friday, September 24, 2010 | Link
Learning Outcomes
It just sounds weird. Period. If I were to list down the things I learnt this year, the list would be endless. And I don't like the sound of it, don't ask me why.Learning Outcomes
Ah, feeling exhausted already. Hardly even moved when playing ball ahaha, getting really old and slow already. Mugging in the canteen was kinda productive today, though it was a lil noisy.
It's only 6 more days, and although I can't wait for it to be over, I dread them. I wished I could skip everything altogether. The fact that the days are approaching is beginning to dawn upon me. Like these few days, exactly how slow am I?
Counting down .... 1. 2. 3.
My change in attitudes to things seriously amazes me. One moment I can be annoyed and the other i'll be fine with everything and anything, even to the point of questioning myself why I actually bothered about something so trivial, to the extent that it makes me look foolish and narrow-minded.
Shall mug my chem and do some math before turning in.
ahhh, I hafta post the family "gathering" for the mid-autumn festival aha.
Nights, sleepyheads.