6:15 AM | Tuesday, October 05, 2010 | Link
The difference between cars and man; it has never been easier to make a U-turn
The difference between cars and man; it has never been easier to make a U-turn

Woke up really naturally this morning, and it felt.... nice
At least I'll feel reassured that I had a good night's sleep and wouldn't need to deal with sleepiness or brain freezes in the middle of the exam. The quality of my sleep/nap affects my mood hell lot.
5th Oct: Yesterday was History. Today is EMath. Tomorrow is Chem
Yesterday was History. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today was a Gift - Ivan Mimic
6th Oct: Yesterday was EMath. Today is Chem Tomorrow is PHysics.
It never fails to amaze me how fast time pass by. I still remember a month ago on this very day, I was questioning myself how I would prepare for the coming EOYs and how the hell I would survive this period where everything would undergo a drastic change.
No bball - Not much com - No Yoga - No slacking
slacking with a constant nagging worry at the back of your head isn't exactly slacking.
Although I can't wait for everything to be over, I don't exactly want it to end.
Life's kinda fine with EOYs somehow. I think I'm used to it. School ends quickly, I like studying independently.....
And if EOYs were to be over, I've to deal with the anticipation of getting back the grades. And hell isn't exactly over cos there's O level Chinese. BLAH.
But on a brighter note, there's training and bball [kinda meant the same thing] and swimming and yoga and doing a list of hell lot of stuff I love to do.
Qi and I sidetracked an hour yesterday to talk about bball -.-
of all times.
I used to think
I had the answers to everything,
But now I know
Life doesn't always go my way, yeah...
Feels like I'm caught in the middle
That's when I realize...
-Britney Spears (I'm not a girl, Not Yet a Woman)
It has been quite long since she came up with songs like this. The less crappy kind unlike those which will pass along with time, forsaken with memories.
my Itunes library is getting crappier damnit. used to spam all the songs before listening to them, so I think I've near 200 songs that I haven't listened. 3.1k songs, 14.52 GB, how many do you actually like?
Time to shut the com and get ready for Math. I've been working really hard for this subject cos it's one of my few favourite subjects I'm really passionate about. They say with passion or interest comes results and grades. Let's hope I can prove that right.
1 down, 3 more to go