10:21 PM | Monday, October 11, 2010 | Link
I aint the one changing because you are
EOYS ARE OVER!I aint the one changing because you are
lagged after 5 days? Yups definitely. Cos I've been preoccupied with watching shows and playing ball and doing a whole lot of things which aren't noteworthy. To think I had a whole list of things which I wanted to complete in mind!
The last paper went fine, but the prep talk screwed my mood up. I totally DID NOT need them to remind me of how screwed my sense of self-discipline and how I needed to buckle up and improve the ways I psycho myself.
Close friends would know how I deceive myself sometimes. That's if you see it in the negative light. You can definitely call it encouragement, or self-motivation if you want to sometimes (:
Played a bit of ball and got my shots back. Feels really good when the ball goes in the direction you wanna!
Sunday was a day out with Mum after having breakfast with my family. It's these small little moments together which make me realise how much time we actually bond.
Most of the times, I'll just cope myself in my room, spending time on the com, mugging (?), doing a whole lot of things
Mid-Autumn Festival was the most memorable time I had with them. Part of it was cos it was during EOYS.. I've this notion that during EOYs, your expectations of fun are degraded. Little things make you feel happy.
But of course, I haven't been celebrating Mid Autumn Festival for quite long.

We wanted to ease the jobs of the cleaners, so we played on cardboard. And due to the limited number of candles we had (which were collected from birthday celebrations), we had a pathetic limitation of what we could do with them. It was also because my dad didn't even tell us beforehand! He just came home and asked if we wanted to go downstairs and do moongazing, with some tea and mooncakes. lmao.
It wasn't romantic like what you'd expect. A strong breeze, rivers shimmering under the moon light, trees swaying..... NOPES, nothing like that.
Played at some small badminton court and the moon was kinda pathetic-looking because we could only see its fullness between two TALL HDB flats. =.=
If we shifted away from our spot, the moon will be gone!
Just like that
Went to shop with Crystal and Jiaqi last Saturday. Walked around like some lost lil kids, and my feet hurt.
It was fun anyway (: Though i didn't buy anything. Pix up soon when Qi decides to upload them.
Went to swim with Crystal just now. Swam only 4 laps and decided to slack my ass off in the pool, observing little kids taking swimming lessons. I might sound like a pedo, but they're reallyyyy cutteee.
Reminded me of the times when I took swimming lessons when I was really young. I was the unlucky one to be in the class full of secondary school kids, and those big boys at that time, didn't even bother treating me nicely since I was just p1. Bloody hell, I'll boil at the thought. Still remember being kicked right in the face and it was effing painful. But it was precisely because I was the slowest in the class and the disparity was really appalling that I pushed myself even further, not wanting the gap to widen.
Gonna end here cos I gonna go to Bugis Library before meeting Crystal again after she met her nutritionist.
Tomorrow's school. again.
I can't possibly just have a post with pix.
Anyway it was fun yesterday, walking around aimlessly.
Plus, got my bro's wallet! Long belated birthday present ahaha