8:40 PM | Tuesday, November 09, 2010 | Link
The best thing about being selfish is that you love yourself more than anything else
Maybe I should start using tweets as my titles. Then I need not think so hard for a suitable title.The best thing about being selfish is that you love yourself more than anything else
Worst day of my life. I swear this feels even worse than anything else. If a breakup were to feel 10x worse than this, I gonna protect myself in a cocoon and NEVER ever get into a relationship at all. Bloody hell.
Maybe it's just a momentary thing and I'm probably blowing things out of proportion, like what I always do.
I don't know, it's disappointment after letting my expectations go higher, and it's 2x of that WOW.
Tomorrow's chinese and the environmental thing. Can't wait to get over everything, especially the latter, before I can concentrate on starting work, and begin completing the things I've on my to-do list! And of course to begin looking forward to my family trip and class chalet and bball chalet and outings and fun and hell lot of stuff that are definitely ZILLIONS time better than the shit now.
But I told myself today that whenever I were to feel any shitty, after a soyabean icecream, a bar of choco and a long cold bath, things have to get better. Or at least force it upon myself.
I sound like my favourite pet dog just died or something, but nah.
Maybe cos the house feels more empty cos my sis and mum are overseas. Miss them AHH.
Maybe it's true that when people are gone, you miss them.
LOL i googled ridiculous news reports, hoping to find stuff to cheer me up and saw a vid on a woman caught selling penis-like straws to kids. WTH.
Off to watch magic shows again. I think I like them cos they make the impossible seem possible, and the brief amazement allows me some room for escape.
-i hate rejections