1:17 PM | Friday, December 17, 2010 | Link
I'm back from my trip and whoa, it was a great experience.Back
Gonna be quite long when we can actually have another family trip again.
Mm during the entire trip I wrote down details to blog, so that the minute details of every day of the trip would not be missed out. Not really in the mood to blog now cos it'll probably take 3hrs + to post pix and blog. Don't wanna just do a simple summary cos when I'm bored I wanna do some recollections. Hate picture spam too
My skin hasn't peeled that badly and the rashes on my hands are recovering quite well!
Miss the cold weather over there, but home's still the best (:
Especially when I tried my granny's porridge the first day I reached Singapore.... the taste of awesomeness~~
Gonna go off to meet Rachel in Tampines (FOR WHAT, I don't really know. But I need the sun and heat!)
Then work again.
And the Leaders Training for Chingay tomorrow before work.
Some time before work on Sunday again.... I wonder what I should do hmmm.
Some pix from Korea before I end the post. Was browsing through the hundreds, if not thousands of pictures.
HOW COME my ipod states that there is no music content??!! aggh