12:35 AM | Saturday, December 04, 2010 | Link
To sleep, you actually just need a nice dream
I don't really make sense!
Felt really tired on the way home, and the fact that my ipod touch was out of batt and I forgot to bring my books, made me even more annoyed. Which reminded me of what the manager of the stall beside Kenny Rogers said. He asked me why I always had such a pissed-off face.
LOL, it's not like I've anything to say to him right! Which made me wonder why, maybe cos I know he's a crazy stalker of my colleague. It's scary mann; he can just sit there and observe her. Wtf.

This morning was fun cos it was breakfast with Valerie and Ji En. Reunion with some gyf peeps (: Went all the way to upper thomson road for some prata before going to Valerie's church to help with her Christmas deco. It was something unplanned, cos I had nothing much to do, other than going to the library. One of the best ways to spend time before going to work!

Which reminds me of something.... Decoration probably takes longer than it seems. Her mother was fussing over the Christmas tree and it was already so pretty! Took more than 4 hours to attain that state of prettiness, and I would definitely not have the patience to do so.
Helping out with the decoration for Chinese New Year was more than enough, SERIOUSLY.

Speaking of Christmas, I have yet to experience the true way of celebrating Christmas. Sad I know, missing out on all the pretty decorations and most importantly, the Christmas tree! Used to eat log-cakes but stopped since 3-4 years ago....
No turkeys, nothing, probably just a simple fare.
Asked my mum if we were celebrating Christmas this year, and she replied that she haven't heard anything from my aunt (who have been organising such gatherings for the past 2 years), so I guess this Christmas gonna be quite quiet. Maybe I should go work to earn more $$$! (1.5x rate man, why not)
But I'm deliberating hell lot

Ah, my mum's watching a horror movie in her room. Maybe I shall go join her.
BUT SHOULD I? I might end up being too effing scared to sleep and end up tossing in bed for a few hours... Still hafta wake up early for training tomorrow!
AGH heck.