8:01 PM | Sunday, February 27, 2011 | Link
It's never too late to try
Saw the news and there was this 95 year old woman who is as healthy as ever! She looks 65, and is agile enough to run. Okay, maybe brisk-walk in our context, but hello, I don't think I'll even live till 95. Even if I could, I'll probably be in stroke, frothing and shitting on my bed.
Which makes me wonder if I'm better off dead. I think I wanna sign a contract to allow euthanasia to be applied on me in such a case. What for, living life like that, implicating my loved ones around me? Not to mention that the idea of a tube through my nose doesn't sound appealing.

For those who can sense, I aint in the best of moods now. SUCKS.
So I resorted to browsing through my pix on facebook to feel better, and it did, heh thanks memories (:
These photos are really lagged, but it's never too late right!

Reunion @ Rae's house (:

CHINGAY. Loads of experience, and didn't regret one bit in joining it.
Although I definitely wished it did not rain on Friday! Agh, disgusting mud...

Training was fine yesterday, except I can't help but feel that we're a burden to the guys. Seriously, it's like wasting their time, although i know they don't mind. Burggghhh.
Shouted for the first time in my sec school life in dunman high. The rest were amused, but I wasn't. This year has been a year of many revelations for myself, and it's like discovering that my life has more depth and layers, contrary to what I think.

It began as utter shock and being emotional, to the urge that there is a need to do something, to the disappointment, to the persistent clutch on the faith that kept me going, and now to the realisation that there is nothing else I can do. So I'm washing my hands off this, but the annoying fact is that i cannot ignore it totally because it will affect me somehow. DAMN :/
Just when I thought my heart was totally made of steel.
Guess it isn't, after all.

My mum's reprimanding her friend, LIKE REALLY loudly over the phone. I guess she just needs the harsh reality slapped right in her face. Sigh, hope life will get better for her someday.
Sucks when you place faith in everything you do, but the world is just so cruel to be in doubt.