7:38 PM | Sunday, October 30, 2011 | Link
Hear the wedding bells ring
Just came back from the wedding of my uncle and dang, I feel so tired! Since I promised myself to blog more, I have to complete this post today, if not I'll probably never start at all! (look @ the korea trip post and you know what I mean heh)Hear the wedding bells ring
We call my uncle AH BOY jiujiu cos he has a fraternal twin whom we call AH GIRL yiyi. Funnyaye, but it's just so convenient these days that I haven't changed the way I called them!
My bro wants to post the pictures on facebook but I don't want them there so I gave him the pix to upload -.- I guess I've reached a stage where privacy is really valued, to the extent where I have gone through my friends list at least twice to delete those who I have no idea who they are.
I was a cynic and I shall still remain one. Don't see the point in weddings cos they are so freaking ex and tiring. Though wedding gowns look really pretty!
I just feel happy I guess :) Dang, my thoughts are kinda incoherent now. and blogger is taking a long time to upload the pix.
Had to walk around in heels and my feet died. Kinda hate smiling at almost everyone cos I feel really patronizing, although I know I ought to do that out of pure courtesy. And the same old chat will resurface: "Ohmy, you are so tall!"
"It's really true that girls become prettier when they grow older!"
(HURHUR, I think I didn't change much except put on more weight. And ohwell, perhaps my flaws were hidden behind the thick swat of concealer and bbcream I spammed this morning. And thank god for the recent henna which covered my white roots YAY although I think the white roots are saying hi to the world again, ZOMG -.-)
Put on a dress for the second time this year, and mm I feel more secure with this one cos it's longer and it's black. Nothing will go wrong with black!
Put on a dress for the second time this year, and mm I feel more secure with this one cos it's longer and it's black. Nothing will go wrong with black!
Even my mom went "you ACTUALLY look good you know. I guess cos you are tall and all" ....
and when I was there feeling slightly better about myself since she always puts me down (in a light-hearted way which good-natured me knows she meant no harm of course), she had to end her sentence with: "but the front... is slightly disappointing ah".
she and her constant harping of my "tiny disappointing stuffs" and how she doesn't understand why i failed to inherit her genes -.-
On a brighter note,
Food was awesome,
the bridemaids were adorable,
Kids kept smiling,
and the couple was loving (:
My aunt commented that the base plate looked like a WEIGHING MACHINE, and dang, BAD reminder! - conveniently forgets about her diet -

On the car otw there w my sis who is beginning to be more and more girly (Y) yayy

My aunt who cooks really yummy food. The mee served @ the wedding will get owned by hers hands down mann

My fav aunt whom I managed to chat with. The rest were alllll shoo busy.

My bro trying to be tall but failing terribly due to his lousy height and my HEELS. I still had to bend down, that lousy pok hahha.
I was telling him to grow faster, LOOK better, and smile nicer cos I can't see the tiny eyes of his, then he could pretend to be my boyfriend to help me shoo guys away HAHAHA. And it would be fine with me if he needed my help too, although it's abit unconvincing huh -.- Skarly I look worse than that girl, GG MAX.
Okay, as you can tell, my imagination is kinda good now, after a filled and happy stomach!

Fam :):) Can't wait to go on the family trip again. It seems that the older you get, the more you'll appreciate family time which seems to be even rarer and harder to get as time goes by.