12:05 PM | Monday, November 28, 2011 | Link
Back from kukup and the slacking did me real good but the experience was far from what i expected. Should have done some googling before the trip to prevent myself from having expectations which were too high and painting too rosy pictures for myself.

Basically, we were living in bungalows which were on stilts submerged in water, we could see the seabed when the tide receded. And it was a horrific experience, with all the visible rubbish and plastic bags. Not forgetting that the so-called "sewage system" is to link the toilet bowls and basins to the sea -_-

I practically jumped into the bed heh. Always wanted to have a double-decker bed since damn super long ago when I was pooped into earth, but my mum wouldn't allow. But after the stay, I guess it was just my fascination with it that made me want it so badly. It's not that great actually.

Guess it applies for loads of things. I always tell myself: ZOMG that pair of earpieces is SOOO NICE! so the story warps from, I WANT that earpiece to... I NEED that earpiece. And when I finally get it, the thrill just dissipates.
Kinda explains my current situation now since my creative earpieces turned faulty. Using some ultra fail fake beats my mum purchased from China. -.- The origin sorta explains everything.

I NEED want new earpieces!
And it's really true: once you're used to good quality sound, the old ones really suck. And I miss noise-cancelling ones. Shall go on my earpiece hunt again, though I'm deliberating over whether to buy the same one again. It's on sale! But it still isn't that cheap anyway -_-

Back from my rant....
The disparity between the bungalows and "common houses" where the locals stayed was so huge that it took me a while to come to terms with it. The feelings i felt then were pretty similar to those that i felt when i went for the Vietnam OCIP trip - the sense of bitter unfairness with a tinge of helplessness.

So the first day at the chalet started off with a mahjong session which took an excruciatingly long period of 30 minutes to set up. The missing tiles and the recollections of how to start the game etc....

Dinner was bbq and the food was awesome, despite a few hiccups here and there. It was only till they cleared the tables that i was in for another shock. The people in-charge of the place just threw the leftover food in the river, and the sight was revolting.

Nevertheless, there would always be good memories to offset the bad. Coconut pudding was (Y).
And we lighted up a 'kongming lantern' and sent it drifting up in the sky~

set off firecrackers for the first time, or rather, WATCH people set them off.

The effects werent that good cos we didn't purchase the big ones to have the same effects as those set off during national day. Ended the night by slacking at the karaoke room (:

The next day started with some good morning exercise at the mangrove farm. Walking in the humid weather is NO JOKE for someone of disgusting stamina man.

Rare scenery from a particularly good angle

Crossing the suspension bridge was pretty .... novel

After the trip, I realised that I have a phobia of places that (barely) have railings or handles or worse still, NONE AT ALL. I'll just be really afraid that I fall off, even though the pavement is fairly wide. #themanysecretsofmine
It's weird, really. People have phobia of heights, of water, of backstabbers, of sweat, of other more reasonable things, but mine is -.- Okay, the last 2 examples aren't exactly normal, but my bro's classmate (WHO IS A GUY) is actually afraid of sweating -.- That's dumb IMO.

And the building where you can oversee the entire mangrove, which isn't actually very scenic or worth the effort LOL.

The 5-storey high worth of staircases I climbed to reach to the top of the sightseeing spot.

FINALLYY... at the top. Can't believe I was feeling slightly tired -.-
The week break from training will kill all the stamina I barely gained during the past few weeks.

Had a pleasant surprise when i saw meng at the fish farm (: caught up a lil and dang, i wna a meet-up soon! Even though i dont think it's exactly VERY POSSIBLE aye.

The tide was extrenely high after lunch so part of the streets was flooded. Had to walk a fair bit of distance barefooted but it was quite a novel experience i must say! Wonder how the ppl in southern thailand survive -_-
Hate it when things are dripping wet +-+

Shopped at JB for a few hours, had dinner and it was home sweet home (:

Overall, it wasnt that much of a slacking trip that i expected, but it was some quality family time spent. By being away from my gadgets, internet and TAIWANESE DRAMAS, i'm forced to be actually more aware about the environment and the surrounding people.

As cliche as it sounds, regrets and sudden realizations after things and friendships slowly slip away often come by too late.