10:23 AM | Monday, November 21, 2011 | Link
When the sun comes down
glad u came just happened to flash through my head and yep, it has been one of my favourite songs the past few days. When the sun comes down
Anyway I got my new line and new phone! Like finally... There goes the days where I have to practically ration my texts or pay my dad when I exceed my texts heh.
Gonna go off for a family trip over the weekends. Feeling pretty excited although the place is pathetic malaysia heh. Was having the occassional bantering this morning and the cosy feeling felt so gud. I guess it takes alot of effort to maintain the r/s. Relationships were never possible one-sided and it applies for all kinds of relationships really....
My parents tried really hard to narrow the age gap between us by granting us more freedom and learning some lingo.? The attempt should really be applauded although sometimes there will really be hilarious jokes.
Like how LOL stands for lots of love, like seriously! And how any song on the radio would be by lady gaga or bruno mars. And the ultimate failed cold jokes which can be pretty ermbarrassing at times since no1 reacts positively.
My mum's occassional criticism also keeps me grounded and can be pretty entertaining ,at times. Of course it is not enough to make me feel bloody shitty about myself.
Life is pretty much a mundane routine now. More time for myself and catching up w friends before the hectic Y6 life overwhelms me ttm. And i hope no one would be such an ultimate loser as to pon orientation cos that would be really dumb and pathetic -.-
Sometimes, people are more selfish than what they would like themselves to be.