12:44 AM | Monday, November 07, 2011 | Link
Hi and Goodbye
I think the title is perfectly apt to describe the airport. A sense of nostalgia overwhelmed me when I stepped in T3 this morning, or rather, yesterday morning (considering that it's already 1 when I'm typing this). The last time I went there was to mug with a friend whose friendship I lost, and it sorta marked another experience, which I've no idea whether I should feel thankful for. The number of jokes it brings can sorta outweigh the creeps the occasional thoughts bring about.

So anyway, we went to film @ the airport for PW, and we spent godly 5 hours for just a video that lasts for lesser an hour (without the transitions and all). Seriously, I have a new-found respect for directors and film-makers (Y)

Two random pix to push the next pic down. heeh

And my role.... was a freaking aunty. That is if I were to put it crudely and meanly. In a sugar-coated nice way, it's simply the mum of a kid.
So the shit kinda look like this......

Removed the link so there is NO WAY you can click on it to enlarge it. Reduced the size too. Sometimes I wonder why I even post this to begin with since I find it so gross, but it'd be funny 10 years down the road when I read this post again heh. I hope this blog stays alive till then, it'd be cool!
Just a snippet where we explain the character, so I happened to have the screenshot.
The entire-editing process was pure torture, and I have yet to finish editing them yet (someone kill me please). Kept cringing inside, but it made me think.

Am I going to look THAT shitty when I grow up, say 20 - 30 years later? One SIA stewardess looked back when she saw me dress up like this, I think cos my face didn't fit my dressing. I guess the only consolation is that my dressing explains what my character is, so I sorta achieved my aim?

But seeing the great difference in my appearance simply with a change in clothes, aunty bun and spoilt slanted specs with rims too small for my eyes, my resolve to stay fit and at least look presentable, was strengthened. I can't describe the sudden lack of confidence and how revolted I feel whenever I happened to walk past places where I could see slight reflections (which in this case is EVERYWHERE, since the airport is all full of glass -.- ). It may sound like an overreaction of sorts, but my really close friends will understand. It's not being superficial or self-obsessed.

SHO ANYWAY, if I were to be able to put my pride and all shit aside, filming was fun :)
I love the airport. It's crowded yet spacious; there is noise but everyone can find their quiet somewhere; people leave, but others embrace the return of those close to them. It's contradictions of sorts, but that's what makes it so unique.

And finally a PW group photo....

Kudos to Iz's dad who helped us take it. He is so hilarious that I found it hard to smile properly, without my mouth being too huge LOL.

Group mates whom I wouldn't get to know better if not for PWW..

Went to Steph's house at night to complete the work. And once again, her aunty cooked awesome food!
And her house is really pretty at night, not to forget the shimmering pool :) Gonna attack her pool again tonight heh

A lil sleepy now, gonna finish some vids before turning in.
A thought, why bother making empty promises?

and.... what's is JBB lolz. I've a feeling the first 2 letter is justin bieber, and then....?