10:11 PM | Tuesday, November 01, 2011 | Link
Memories are like snowflakes; unique and distinct, yet so unreachable
Back from PW, and am in an extremely good mood I've no idea why. Maybe it's cos I can slack my ass off tomorrow and have a day break from PW :)Memories are like snowflakes; unique and distinct, yet so unreachable
But I think most of the cause is cos my grandma came from Malaysia and she's really super cute and healthy! Gonna emulate her positive outlook of life. I always feel that there is this stage in life where you'll be drained of your energy since there is no longer any reason to stay competitive. Whether you want to admit it or not, competition keeps you alive.
Anyway, I felt the urge to blog but I couldn't find anything substantial. THEN I remembered I have yet to post the Korea pix. The sequence of the events this pic is sorta screwed cos this post is like, 11 months late?!
The feeling of browsing through the pix felt really good though. It's like retrieving long-term memory
Pretty plane~ Loved the fact that I had a window seat :)
Snoww. Dang, looking back at the pictures make me feel that Singapore is really humid and ugly :/
Kimchi was marvellous for the first few days. However, after the fourth day, i was SICK OF KIMCHI.
But I wished I had kimchi nowww :( I guess they're really right when they say that absence makes the heart grow fonder!
-love for food (Y) -
Gallery exhibition
The bear museum!
Still can't believe that some tinyweeny bears would cost soooo much. Talk about extravagant lifestyles and spending excessively on totally unnecessary stuff!
Next was a climb on the hill which was really good exercise. Started panting when I reached the top -.-
The breezy weather sorta made the climb enjoyable, and it was then that I wished that was Singapore's weather! Singapore's weather is bloody humid and the stickiness you feel just makes you feel cranky and easily irritated.
HA. An act-demure pic. No wonder they say pictures deceive. The real scenario was that there was a strong gust of wind which almost blew my hat away.
Therefore, a more accurate depiction would be:
Visited a PIG farm. BIG BLACK PIGS. I think pink still suits pigs better.
Does this look like a toilet in any way?
Night pix
Another reason to love nature. Nothing can replace its calming effect.