2:13 AM | Friday, January 06, 2012 | Link
the 6th day of 2012
Since I'm so lagged as always, I don't get the chance to post the new year post! Hafta change my age at the sidebar settings man. Went to read my post 1 year and 4 days ago and realised it was pretty pathetic.

Guess it's reflection time! Haven't been talking to myself for a MONTH. It didn't even feel THAT long.

Countdown with Shelle, Veron, Chingz, Nic & Ger (:
Frankly speaking, that was my first countdown and probably the last. The crowd was annoying ttm, and I hated the fact that people had to squeeze and push around. Hello, it's a new year, chill!

Dinner at Cafe Cartel~

And we walked around Marina Square, hoping to find an empty TOILET. & spent 45 minutes attempting to walk to the Helix Bridge, only to end up in the middle of the road, NOWHERE near water. We still had a splendid view though (: The pix don't do the fireworks justice cos my camera was lousypok -.-

So it was an awesome nightt (:
On the way back home, I was thinking, WOAW this year passed really quickly, so quickly that it didn't feel like anything substantial happened. But if I were to look at the pix on facebook, I began to appreciate the small little events of 2011, which made the year more eventful.
So here's the bit and pieces of 2011. Thanks to everyone here who made 2011 less mundane and more bearable!

First time celebrating CNY elsewhere, and I would love to kickstart CNY the same way this year man (:

Even though tourns ended on a pretty bad note, bball will always be a part of life :)
Priorities may change, but whatever the game has taught would always stay.

ADIv dinner @ Seoul Garden. Thanks laoshi! Love the devotion you have shown towards bball; it has far exceeded the responsibility of a cca teacher in-charge

SH EDS - SH = more touchy stuffs on stage aha

OCIP - the experience which broadened my horizons and taught me to stay thankful

Dinner @ Traders Hotel - I LOVE FOOD, who doesn't!

AYC & GYF - where I met more people, and where my beliefs were reaffirmed. Though there were some weird experiences &confessions, they provided some amount of entertainment to laugh yet shudder about when I think back.

MBS - happy birthday chanz!

Clarke Quay - the failed touristing -.- When I was asked for directions BEFORE I even left the MRT. & how we were stuck on in the mrt looking for each other & having fun going up and down the escalators. & "killing" a fish with the chips I devoured.

Downtown Chalet - where the Malay guys fishing were staring at us when I became the photographer and someone wanted to be a skinny-looking model HAHA.

PW - the few months which were made less torturous thanks to cooperative groupmates who would listen to my nagging and commands! In fact, it was pretty fun in Steph's studying room, looking at the raindrops pellet down the glass windows. Will never forget how I turned aunty for the freaking vid.

Ah Boy Jiu Jiu's wedding - the sweet tingling feeling felt made me question my previously firm stance that love could never last.

Sis's birthday - happy 17th :)) Felt extremely glad that she overcome all odds to become the unique self she is today

Family trip @ kukup - it's amazing how we become even closer as the years go by. #defying stereotypes

BBall @ Malaysia :):) - where doing practically nothing (eating & sleeping) could actually be enjoyable

There, 2011 WASN'T THAT BAD, even though work load increased, play time decreased, pimples multiplied, stress rocketed and patience plummeted.
With that, the new year shall be welcome with some anticipation and hope. Even though it may be tough and demanding on one's self-discipline and mental strength, with the two families I have, there is no way I can't survive them.

2012, here I come (: