10:54 PM | Sunday, May 13, 2012 | Link
So last saturday was the first saturday which didn't start with trainings. I will probably take a while to adjust to it. You will only realise it too late, when things that used to be around you cease to be a part of your life anymore. There are many things in life which are at the back of your head subconsciously, but it will still never fail to hit you with such unimaginable force when it's right in your face, forcing you to accept reality.Post-season
End of season was one of them. Thinking about it now, there are many.
- End of A-s (cos this would mean no more school, no half-an hours in the morning at THAT specific table in the canteen cackling like witches. I'm sure we are a great nuisance (HOPEFULLY people don't think we're AA! cos we can't help it if we literally LOL) The daily breakfast of 70 cents meefen hehe.
- school life in general. Gotta enter SOCIETY, and start being mature. Where I can no longer throw caution to the wind and have to do some serious crackdown on my use of vulgarities and "free-expression" of middle fingers. And dang, I will probably hate having to dress up everyday. It feels nice to wear decent clothes sometimes, but on lazy days? I don't think so.
- my granny. I really want her to be around me everyday, but I know those meals gonna be a thing of the past before I know it. Embracing death is really easier said than done.
Just updated my itunes library with emo sentimental songs :X
So how was my life post-season?
I presumed that I would have caught up with mugging pretty easily, but it wasn't that easy. The slacking hours were really long so it's going to be an uphill task for me.
But one thing is for sure, I've been catching up on my rest pretty well. So I hope that translates into a more alert mental state of mind!
And I'm past the emojojo part already. Time really heals.
Though there was still a whirlwind of emotions when I saw my class really enjoying themselves playing ball (nevermind the number of times they doubled and travelled hahah). And well, I still feel a pang of guilt when I see coach. It's always like this huh, our team will avoid him after a bad game or match, then things will resume to its guailaness after a few months. I have no idea how to describe my emotion when I returned the bball-board that was sitting in my locker for quite some time.
I sound like I'm going back to being an emojojo but nah, I gonna refocus whatever mental energy I've left for bball on my bro. Gonna turn him into everything I wasn't and couldn't achieve. It's going to be a longlonglong journey, but we'll make it :)
And on a happier note, I BOUGHT new earpieces! They're pretty pretty heh, and I like how new things make me feel better, despite it being momentary or what-not.
Gonna turn in already, the next week shall be a brand new start for me. No more moping around, no more excuses, it's time to catch-up.