1:46 AM | Wednesday, July 04, 2012 | Link
brief respite
The blog post yesterday was pretty crappy cos I was distracted by god-knows-what. Probably food.

Anyways, CTs have come to an end! whoohoo, 2nd checkpoint down. Though it was pretty exhausting, mentally and physically, I guess it just goes to show that we are resilient 18-year-olds.... (who can mug)
I honestly feel that when you are feeling down and beat, you become more appreciative of the people around you, and the seemingly minute gestures in the past become more apparent. It's a good learning journey definitely, especially for someone like me who used to take things for granted and all the concern as a given. It's really easy to overlook these details and move on with life as a lone ranger.

Which brings me to the point of this post, I love how family and friends can provide you with the brief respite from all the madness of being caught up and overwhelmed with the workload. It's these meetings that keeps me sane, besides yoga (people need to stop thinking that yoga is for OLD people to meditate and bull. cos it isn't! I sweat like crap from that 1 hour of workout, and damn those muscle-aches the next day which make me walk like a penguin. Slight exaggeration there, but still, the point is that people need to veer away from the stereotype. BLURGHHH)

These reasons validated my slackday yesterday (one of the lame excuses to reassure myself, whatever). I'm kinda glad that I didn't study for econs and chem, because what I mugged probably didn't come out (#lameexcuse2), and that I opted for the dinner out. There was a time at the start of this year that I missed some family gatherings because I needed to rush work. At the back of my head, despite my reluctance to admit, I didn't really see the importance / point of such meetings. Hello, I see everyone's faces at least an hour a day? And what conversations could there possibly be?

Anyways, pix from yesterday. Saw some juniors there, love their bonding session. Bballers unite :)

Happy birthday mummm :) Thanks for being hip and fun, it's probably really exhausting to keep up with our generation (especially my volatile temperament) and trying to stay relevant without being uncomfortably awkward. It happens to many relationships; I'm glad the communication barrier was absent for us.

Thanks for the good genes (the big eyes hahaa), but well, I guess the oily skin (which caused me to have really bad skin :( ) is alright, I can deal with it. Anyway the good thing about it is that I'll have lesser wrinkles in the future right! Okay stupid lame stuff aside, I'm just really glad that you brought me up the way you did, not pampering me with (pink) barbie dolls from young (gawd I hate those pink girly crap with hair that is so difficult to comb -.-), giving me enough freedom and trust to do whatever I want (allowing me to come back at an ungodly hour without spamming my phone with calls till it hanged), and most importantly, believing that yes, basketball and studies can coexist. I know that at one point of my time in secondary school, you were pretty worried about my knee shit (forever the same stupid thing), but I'm happy you chose to respect whatever decision I made.

There is definitely more to type, but dang, I'm really beat. Today was yet another day of revelations; I really love night chats where everything just gets spilled out without any inhibitions. Discovered many thoughts that I didn't know I had before, and ahh, it just dawned upon me again that I really changed hell lot. Shit lot, no kidding.
I don't even know whether I should feel happy or not, but I guess I just can't help the changes.

I can begin listing off all the negative changes quickly, but when I start thinking of the positive ones I get stumped. Ironic much, since  they say that it's really easy to think well (sometimes too highly) of yourself. Too much of self-depreciating humour can really do great harm huh.

Gonna turn in so I can drag myself out of bed tomorrow for post-exam activities. So many people gonna pon, yet for once I don't feel like ponning ey. Whatever, I have my book to keep me company if the speaker turns out to be some monotonous chanter.

#random, I need new songs.