1:05 PM | Sunday, July 01, 2012 | Link
That was 2 months ago? Family outing at the punggol waterway. That place has a pretty calming effect and would have been an awesome choice for jogging, IF i were an avid jogger.
But no, I rather stick to swimming (which I have managed to make it part of my weekly routine besides yoga)
Have been slacking my bum off the past 3 days and it felt so damn good. There is just this feeling that there isn't much to prepare, but I know I will regret that the instant I sit for the paper.
Geez, the sane voice in my head is just so annoying sometimes.
This whole month slipped so quickly that nothing substantial could be recalled. Just a mundane routine that was painful but hopefully worth it.
Gonna finish reading up my story before lunch, and finally get back on track. Hey, even long distance runners are allowed a short water break. No harm in getting one.