9:55 PM | Monday, September 03, 2012 | Link
Stretchable band
Stretchable band
It's times like these that I wonder how much one can withstand before they break. Nope I don't think I'm that near my threshold, but this routine is getting mundane.
Prelims is the mark of 3/4 of the journey, and I was thinking about how this year's holidays weren't exactly holidays. It's like a facade to hide the days that are meant to push us to study. agh.
And it isn't as if I fought it. Going with the flow, trying to imbue it in my life; it's taxing sometimes to wake up early in the morning to have no slightest idea on what day it is, cos every day would be the same.
I roll my eyes in my mind when people remark that I'm a hardcore mugger or what-not in this condescending tone, because everyone knows that sooner or later they will do the same, either by desperation or eventual enlightenment. It's just that I chose to take the easier way out, to alleviate any potential emotional burden I could face. And it's not as if after all the preparation, I'm hundred percent prepared or shyt, cos the grades don't come naturally to me /: It's when I need to memorise all the precise dates and events for history, the sequential cause & effect for econs, the reactions for chem and general events (GP isn't THAT general...) that I wished I had a photographic memory. My mum should have fed me more eggs when I was younger! Or maybe I should have drank more breast milk hmmmm. It tasted like crap though.
Anyways, 1 more week to prelims, and according to Samuel Lim, if we can be 60% prepared we are really lucky already. So I shall embrace the prelims with THAT mindset and not overly stress myself, and think about the dramas I get to watch 1 week after that! :):)
And the stayover at Eileen's house on the day Physics MCQ end! The girls' night talk was really fun; it never ceases to amaze me how seemingly similar yet different people have so many common grounds to connect, and there is this unsaid mutual understanding when it comes to friends, guys, people in general.
SKCC has free flow of drinks and muffins now! :) The way to my heart is through the stomach, i swear. I was so happy idk why. I think I just felt happy that there were people concerned enough about us that they bothered to get free food, and provide a conducive environment for us to mug. So I don't need to go downstairs and endure the horrible cigarette smoke of some inconsiderate uncouth old men >(
Shall do some reading, grab MORE muffins and things would have been perfect if this place was surrounded by windows on all 4 sides rather than just simply one.
Then again, one should learn to count their blessings right?